A textbook "Laboratory and practical classes in the science of physiology and hygiene of youth" was published by Shakir Toramkulov, teacher of the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Human and Animals, Samarkand State University...

      The textbook on the science of physiology and hygiene of youth is intended for students of all undergraduate courses and is taught in accordance with the curriculum. The implementation of the program requires general knowledge and skills in the subjects of biology, hygiene, ecology and human health taught in secondary schools, lyceums and colleges. The science of age-related physiology and hygiene monitors the evolution of body functions in the course of individual development, determines the relationship of physiological processes and the reasons for their connection. The physiology and hygiene of young people is part of general physiology and is considered one of the areas of hygienic and sanitary sciences studied in medicine. He studies the influence of environmental factors on the child's body, his life, upbringing and education, which is necessary to improve the health of the younger generation and moderate physical and spiritual growth and development, develops and scientifically substantiates all physiological and biochemical measures.


Samarkand State University

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