A seminar on "Uzbekistan-France cultural cooperation" was held at Samarkand State University. It was attended by researchers and scientists, university professors and students who visited Samarkand State University from France.

    Akmal Akhatov, vice-rector for international cooperation of Samarkand State University, opened the seminar with an introduction. After that, a presentation on Uzbekistan-France cooperation relations was shown.

    Katerin Pujol, professor of INALCO - French National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Development, who conducted scientific research on the topic "Uzbekistan at the Crossroads", took part in the seminar with her lecture. Eloise Buatello, a researcher at the Angoulême University of France, also made a presentation on "The Great Silk Road at the Louvre Museum". In the presentation, detailed information was given about the history of the Louvre Museum, its current activities, and museum samples.

- Samarkand State University is a university with a high reputation in the world, - says Eloise Buatello, a researcher at Angouleme University, - within the framework of the scientific-academic exchange program launched between SamDU and Angouleme Universities, research is currently being conducted at Samarkand State University I'm taking This seminar coincided with the visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to France. Friendly cooperation between the two countries has been prioritized in socio-cultural areas along with political and economic spheres. This is the reason why the seminar is called "Uzbekistan-France cultural cooperation". At the seminar, I tried to provide detailed information about the samples related to the history of the Great Silk Road in the Louvre Museum. I think that the cooperation between Angoulême University and Samarkand State University will continue effectively.

Samarkand State University

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Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.