"17 faces of Uzbekistan".
The name of Leyla Belialova, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety of the Faculty of Geography and Ecology of Samarkand State University, was mentioned at the photo exhibition "17 Faces of the Movement" organized by the UN.
Leyla Belialova, in addition to working at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology of Samarkand State University, is a senior researcher at the Zeravshan State Reserve and coordinator of a number of international projects for the conservation of ornithological biodiversity in the Western Tien Shan. Participant of the international programs "World Ecological Action", "Aliva Branch", "World Migration Day". In 2017, she was awarded the international award "Hero of Nature" by the international environmental organization "Birdlife International". In 2018, according to the BBS, she is one of the 100 most powerful women in the world. The scientist's research on the conservation of mountain ecosystems of Uzbekistan and the protection of bird species, as well as his activities as a member of the working group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, do not leave the world community indifferent. Another proof of this is that the scientist was included in the photographic exhibition "17 Faces of the Movement" organized by the UN.
The exhibition "Seventeen Faces of Action" consists of photographs of 17 active women who have worked tirelessly in various fields in connection with the 17 UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The main goal of the project is to inform society about the role of women in the modern world, about how they contribute to the creation of a new, just, prosperous future with equal rights with men and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
- I was very happy when the responsible representatives told me that I was among the 17 women selected from Uzbekistan, - says Leyla Belalova, - But I did not know what kind of list it was, why exactly 17 people were selected. The photo exhibition “17 Faces of the Movement”, taking place in Tashkent, is part of an international project that collects portraits of women who have managed to break stereotypes around the world. The exhibition was organized on the initiative of the UN Geneva office and the Swiss Women's Association. It is known that in accordance with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, from such areas as the fight against poverty, education and labor, environmental protection, water conservation, human rights and ensuring the foundations of a peaceful and peaceful life. seventeen women were selected...
Each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is directly related to the environment. Therefore, most of the selected candidates are women working in the field of ecology and environmental protection.
The exhibition is organized for the first time in Azerbaijan. Uzbekistan is the second country where this project has been implemented. Each woman selected as the 17 faces of Uzbekistan is now directly counted as 17 UN Ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Goals. Among the heroes are representatives of medicine, agriculture, ecology and environmental protection, institutional development, protection of women's rights, economics, sports and IT technologies.
For reference, in 2023 Geneva will host the final major photo exhibition of photographs of UN ambassadors for sustainable development, selected from around the world.
Iroda Bekmurodova,
Samarkand State University
Information Service Officer.