December 14 this year on the Telegram page of Dusov K. we report the following regarding the appeal left by students of the correspondence department of SamSU:

      Students of the Department of Jurisprudence of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, who did not pass the exam and did not switch from one course to another, regularly blame the university staff for this.

      The appeals give examples of how some students who did not come to the exam and could not write answers, passed the course. But none of these documents contain either the signature or seal of the head. The answer to this question is unequivocal: after paying for the re-mastering of the subject according to the credit-modular system, students who received a satisfactory mark in the exam were transferred to the next course.

      In total, 9041 students study at the correspondence department of Samarkand State University. Written examinations of 452 students of the specialty "Jurisprudence" were checked three times by other higher educational institutions, and the work of 251 students was assessed unsatisfactorily. Students who applied with an unsatisfactory mark on the exam were considered on appeal, and it was explained to them that they remained on the course because they could not master the subjects.

      Students who are not sufficiently prepared at the first stage of a foreign university cannot study the subjects of the next stage, as they do not know the basic subjects in the field of jurisprudence.

      In fact, exams by correspondence students are held in rooms equipped with CCTV cameras. After confirming the identity of the student through the passport, they sign and then are allowed to take the exam.

      Resolution No. 824 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chapter 8, paragraph 42 “The right to independently determine the average score when transferring students from one course to another, whose average score is in the range of 2.4-3.0. In SamSU, it is set to 2.6. A student with a passing GPA below this will not be transferred from course to course due to a low level of knowledge.

      Dear parents, we want to warn you that instead of a regular independent search for knowledge, your child distributes unfounded information about the administration of the university on social networks, and in the future these students and their parents may be held liable in accordance with Art. law.

      Currently, this appeal is being studied by the local administration and the rector's office of the university, and additional information about it will be given in the media.


Samarkand State University

Information Service