According to the hydrometeorological service, abnormally cold weather is expected as a result of cold air entering our country on January 10-15 this year. The air temperature at night can be -12-17 degrees, in the north -17-22 degrees at night, in some places in Ustyurt and in desert regions -25-27 degrees.


Therefore, in order to preserve your health, please observe the following recommendations when staying in cold weather and protect yourself from the harmful effects of abnormal temperatures:

      - It is recommended not to go outside without the need, to spend less time outdoors on abnormally cold days, especially for children and the elderly;

      - If you're cold, keep moving. Do not stand, lean or sit in a cold place;

      - In order to avoid colds, it is necessary to go outside in warm and tight clothes. It is very important to use gloves and woolen socks;

      - Do not forget to keep the head and neck warm, where the large blood vessels are located;

      - Do not take a hot shower as soon as you come home from the cold. To begin with, it is recommended to drink some hot tea;

      - In case of abnormal cold snaps, it is better to give up the use of alcohol and tobacco. Consequently, these bad habits can drastically constrict the blood vessels and cause               short-term freezing of the hands and feet;

      -Strong cold air dries out human skin excessively. Therefore, before going outside, it is recommended to apply not medicines containing water, but fatty creams to the skin;

      - On cold days, breakfast in the morning is essential. Because fasting causes a rapid freezing of the body and a weakening of the immune system;

      - It is advisable to increase the calorie content of food by 25-30% compared to warm days. In this case, hot and liquid food is very useful.

Frostbite signs:

      - Redness on the damaged area of ​​the skin, followed by graying or bruising;

     - Loss of skin sensitivity;

     - Itching and heat of the skin;

     - This can also be known by observing such symptoms as the appearance of blisters with fluid on parts of the body affected by cold.

     When observing such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor and get the necessary advice from him.

    Dear compatriots!

      Don't forget that spending less time outside on abnormally cold days, especially protecting children and the elderly from the cold, plays an important role in keeping you and your loved ones healthy!

      Be careful on cold days!

Taken from the Facebook page of Davronbek Jumaniyazov,

Head of Health Department of

Khokimat of Samarkand region.