Interview with Mukaddam Tovbayeva, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Samarkand State University

    - What was the main reason for your departure to science?

     - I think the field of science was inspired by the teachings of the good people I met in my life. I lived with my grandfather and mother when I was a child. Their education and attitude towards science subsequently made me interested in science. At the same time, I set myself the goal of being successful in the field of science. A great contribution to my results was made by my supervisor, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Feruza Akramova. Sometimes, when I encountered difficulties along the way, she explained the difficulty of doing science and being a scientist in such a way that I drew strength from this and continued to work hard.

      The achievements of each person in the field of science depend on the attitude towards him of the people around him, supporting his family. I am a happy woman in this respect. I always have people who understand and support me.

      I recently defended my Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Prevention of psychological despotism in gender relations of dysfunctional families." During my scientific research, I observed many families. As a result of observations, I am convinced that women who are faced with violence and despotism lose confidence in themselves. In this case, it is necessary to organize the process of spiritual healing by forming motives for self-improvement of one's behavior.

      It is important to strengthen the level of confidence in the future among women who have experienced violence, to involve them in socially useful work, public works, to teach self-assessment of their behavior. In this case, the main task of psychologists is to analyze the internal mental state of such people: their purpose, attitude to life, self-confidence, volitional-emotional self-control and give appropriate advice.

Why did you choose the field of psychology?

    - When I was in school, I liked chemistry. When my class teacher heard that I wanted to study in this field, he said: "You will be a good psychologist." Somehow it didn't escape my ears. When applying for higher education, I did what my teacher told me and applied for this course.

      I still admit that at that time my teacher saw the future and understood what I was capable of. If teachers and parents guide their children in the right way, it will be easier for everyone to find their place in life and succeed.

     - Where can you get the strength to simultaneously cope with science and with women's life tasks: home, family, raising children, what recommendations can you give to young researchers in this regard?

     - Indeed, taking care of both science and the family at the same time requires a certain responsibility. But a woman can equally skillfully organize both, if she wants to. Every woman should strive for both. The first factor that gives him strength in this regard is his family. One must continue to live without complaining about difficulties, feeling that every adversity is the key to happiness.

      I believe that a woman in life should always have "both hands" in motion. The upbringing of children is the most important direction of our activity. Children generally follow their mother's example. Therefore, before the child, the mother should try to be perfect in every way. It is useless to ask them to be active without being active. My advice to young researchers: you need to deal with family, children's upbringing and science with the same attention and love. If you neglect one of them, the other will automatically suffer. Many people think that "everything in life will not be the same as before." But if our intentions and deeds are good, then what we achieve will be excellent.

- The role of the family and profession in a woman's life ... Most women in this regard are always forced to choose one thing. What do you think about this?

     - The profession plays a role in a woman's life just like the family. Because how can a woman show her child the right path if she has not mastered the profession, does not have her own independent opinion?! A woman must also have a profession in order to have meaning in her life. But, as you said, sometimes a woman is required to choose between two. It depends on the people and the environment around that woman. In most cases, a woman is told to either choose a family or choose a job. Most women choose a family. A smart woman should act wisely in such a situation and prove in practice that the presence of a certain profession brings moral benefits to the family. Only then will people around her trust her.

     - What are the three main factors for you that a woman needs to find her place in life?

      - The fact that a woman finds her place in life indicates that she is an educated and happy woman. In order for a woman to find her place in life, first of all, she needs knowledge, self-confidence and the ability to draw the right conclusion from every mistake.

Interview with Iroda Bekmurodova
Information service staff of
Samarkand State University