Vice-Rector of SamSU for Academic Affairs Rustam Yuldoshev, Director of the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Security, Associate Professor Toshpulot Rajabov, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Shakhriddin Muranov, Chairman of the Advisory Council on Women Sharofat Tukhliyeva spoke at the meeting.

      The meeting discussed changes in the education system, examination processes, the benefits of the HEMIS system, the essence of learning a foreign language, the opportunities created for students, and the psychology of youth.

      - My child is a 2nd year student at the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Security, - says Ozojon Khidirov. - If I compare my life and the lifestyle of two years ago, I notice that it has changed in a positive direction. I am proud that my son is studying at the leading university in our country. I went to Jambai and got acquainted with the activities of the institute. All opportunities for education of young people have been created. I am grateful to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for this.

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Samarkand State University.