From Navruz to Navruz...
Khurshid Bozorov, Professor of the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry, SamSU:
- The holiday of Navruz, which is celebrated every year on a large scale, unites our people around the ancient and great national values. I see some symbolism in the celebration of Navruz, the time of kindness, generosity, mercy and intercession, in the spring, at the time of renewal. New Year and the season that Navruz will bring will become a special period in everyone's life. From Navruz to Navruz there was great news in my scientific activity. During this period, more than 10 of my articles were published in the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science. Received 7 international patents for the synthesis and application of biologically active alkaloids. I was also awarded a commemorative medal "Uzbekistan Republic and Constitution Sining 30 Yilligi". I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on this day. May Navruz bring prosperity and new successes to your home.