Another scientific seminar was held for scientific researchers of the Samarkand State University...
A scientific seminar was held for more than 300 researchers of Samarkand State University.
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Professor Mukhiddin Muminov gave a lecture on the topic "Searching for scientific literature on the topic of research from international scientific databases", Head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of SamSU, Associate Professor Mirzokhid Kuziev gave a lecture on the topic "Rules for the preparation of dissertations and abstracts of dissertations".
Sunnatillo Rakhmonov, Head of the Department of Information Resources and Technologies and Innovation Support Centers of the State Institution “Intellectual Property Center” under the Ministry of Justice, also made a report on the topic “Copyright and related rights”.
Ikrom Abdukodirov, Head of the Department of Inventions and Utility Models of the State Institution “Center for Intellectual Property” under the Ministry of Justice, explained in detail on the topic “What objects of intellectual property are products of activity, types in accordance with the peculiarities of the legal regime”.
Seminar participants received answers to their questions...
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