Samarkand State University was visited by a delegation of representatives of German universities. The guests were welcomed by the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov.

      During a meeting with the rectors and vice-chancellors of the Jena University. Friedrich Schiller, the Ilmenau University of Technology, the Universities of Applied Sciences Nordhausen, Schmalkalden, Ernst Abbe and Erfurt discussed important topics for the parties: in the field of science, education and innovation, within the framework of promising cooperation, agreements were discussed on issues such as expanding the exchange of students and teachers.

   With these universities, which are the oldest and leading higher educational institutions in Germany, issues were agreed on establishing faculty and student exchanges, implementing joint scientific projects, improving ties in the field of natural sciences, management and engineering, academic mobility, developing joint education programs and summer schools .

     - The most important task for developing countries is to reform education and increase the intellectual potential of the population, - says the rector of SamSU Rustam Khalmuradov, - Formation of a quality education system at all levels is the most pressing issue for modern Uzbekistan. Of course, in recent years, major reforms have been carried out in the economy and the socio-political sphere. However, this alone is not enough for sustainable development. International cooperation allows us, first of all, to exchange experience on important issues, to go out into the world for our specialists and students. I think that today's meeting will serve as the basis for effective cooperation between Samarkand State University and German universities.

     - We are very pleased to cooperate with Samarkand State University, - said the rector of Nordhausen University Jörg Wagner, - Nordhausen University is ready for cooperation in such areas as energy, engineering, information technology, resource processing. Today we have agreed to introduce exchange programs of interest to qualified specialists and scientific researchers in this matter. Now the task will be to develop practical programs and plans.

     After the meeting, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the Archaeological and Zoological Museums of Samarkand State University.

     an employee of the Information service of
     Samarkand State University.
     The photographs were taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.