The monograph "Synthesis of biologically active isoquinoline compounds" by Norzhigit Baratov, Associate Professor of the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry, Samarkand State University, has been published.

      More than 40% of drugs derived from natural sources are of great importance and are successfully used in medicine. A special place among them is occupied by alkaloids. Isoquinoline alkaloids have specific pharmacological effects that differ sharply from other groups of alkaloids. Many isoquinoline alkaloids are present in many drugs.

      The connection with the isoquinoline ring and imidazole, oxazole and other heterocycles, that is, the combination of two or three heterocyclic systems in one molecule, enhances the pharmacological effect of substances. Methods for the synthesis of such substances have been developed. In the process of their synthesis, the starting materials are easily converted into heterocyclic compounds, such as pyridine, pyrrole, quinoline, isoquinoline, etc.

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