"Neighborhood from the vicinity of Samarkand to other Eurasian centers: Central Asia through the historical lens"...

The Faculty of History of Samarkand State University hosted an international conference "Neighborhood from the vicinity of Samarkand to other Eurasian centers: Central Asia through the historical lens".
About 40 scientists from such countries as India, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan took part in the prestigious conference with their reports.
The conference was opened by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of SamSU, Professor Akmal Akhatov, who wished all the participants good luck.
The international conference was held in a hybrid form, conducted in Russian and English.
The conference continued, dividing into such sectors as intercultural relations and neighborhood with major cities of Eurasia (from Samarkand to Kurdoba), Samarkand intelligentsia: from Sogdians to Jadids, history, philosophy and culture of Central Asia.
“Today's conference brings together historians from Samarkand to Kurdoba,” says Associate Professor Shohista Khamrokulova, Head of the Department of World History at SamSU. - In today's globalized world, in the face of increasing various dangers and threats, more attention is paid to the study of the tradition of neighborhood than ever before. Within the framework of the conference, it is desirable to study the traditions of friendship and good neighborliness in the process of exchanging innovations, socio-economic events, ethno-cultural processes between the peoples of Central Asia, learn from them and use their positive aspects to solve today's problems. The conference will scientifically cover the political, cultural, social, economic, religious and ethnic aspects of the neighborhood factor and issues of the historical approach...
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Samarkand State University.