A press conference was held with the participation of officials of the admission committee of Samarkand State University

The conference was attended by vice-rectors of Samarkand State University Akhmadjon Soleev, Rustam Yuldoshev, executive secretary of the admission committee Mavlon Bobokhonov, as well as heads of the Urgut branch, representatives of institutions and the media.
At the press conference, admission quotas to Samarkand State University for the 2023-2024 academic year, their distribution by form of study, the number of full-time state bachelor's grant places in the new academic year, as well as new programs created at the university were presented. Information was given by direction. The activities of the Admissions Committee, Call and Consulting Centers, created in order to conduct admission at a high level this year and ensure that applicants receive the necessary information about the admission process in a timely manner, were discussed. At the same time, detailed information was provided on admission to the master's program at SamSU and the conditions created for foreign students.
It should be noted that in the 2023-2024 academic year, Samarkand State University allocated 1,699 places for full-time undergraduate studies in a total of 37 areas, of which 645 were state grants, and 1,054 were contracted. For this academic year, 524 places in 45 specialties have been allocated in the magistracy. Of these, 428 were accepted on the basis of a state grant, and 96 on the basis of a contract.
During the conference, representatives of the regional media received answers to their questions regarding the reception.
Information Service of
Samarkand State University