Happy birthday!

Professor of Samarkand State University Zh.Kh.Khadzhaev
Dear Zhurakul Khadzhaevich!
On behalf of the staff of Samarkand State University, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday today. I wish you long life, good health, great success and victories in your work.
As an intelligent, enlightened person who devoted his whole life to science, you have been contributing to the development of biological science for 60 years. Thanks to your hard work, hundreds of scientists, thousands of teachers, talented youth graduated from the biological faculty of Samarkand State University.
As a selfless scientist and hardworking teacher, you are highly respected in the scientific community of our country. During your career, you are the supervisor of more than ten candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences, the author of 1 monograph, 14 teaching aids, 1 textbook and more than 250 scientific articles. All scientists of our republic appreciate your work in the field of science, your long-term contribution to the development of our university.
Taking this opportunity, I want to once again congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, prosperity to your family, success in work and creativity!
Rustam Khalmuradov,
rector of Samarkand State University,
scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.