Scientists of Samarkand State University are conducting archaeological research in the Khodjamazgil settlement...

Under the leadership of the head of the Department of Archeology of Samarkand State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences Odil Ergashev, archaeological research work began at Hojamazgil-2 in the village of Mullatup, Bulungur region. The excavations are accompanied by employees of the Samarkand Institute of Archeology.
As a result of the observation, about 200 stone objects made of silicon and chalcedony raw materials were found, mainly belonging to the Neolithic period (8-6 thousand years ago). For preliminary research, 2 primary archaeological excavations are being carried out on the territory. When the expedition members examined the territory of the monument, 4 stone objects of the Late Paleolithic period (40-12 thousand years ago) were also found. The artifacts found reveal the essence of the monument and indicate that the region is a promising area for archaeological research. Research is ongoing.
For your information, in the 1980s, the archaeologist Negmat Toshkenboev first discovered materials from the Late Paleolithic period in the Khodjamazgil settlement.
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