"I am proud that I work at Samarkand State University!"

I want to share my opinion on the scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities of the Rector of SamSU, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rustam Ibragimovich Khalmuradov.
By the nature of my work, I happen to accompany Rustam Ibragimovich on many trips to prestigious universities in the world, participate in the organization of international meetings, negotiations and other high-level events with his participation.
At all these events, Rustam Ibragimovich interests his interlocutors with his high intelligence of a scientist, a leader with a broad outlook and a pleasant conversationalist. He is well versed in the problems not only of the Higher School, but also of all levels of education that precede the Higher, university education.
Rustam Ibragimovich is well informed about the achievements of the educational system in many countries. He often appears in the press with his ideas on the modernization of the education system at all its levels, from preschool to postgraduate. Based on the study of the best practices accumulated in these countries, he initiated a program for introducing the best practices into the educational system of our country with a slight adaptation to our conditions. On his initiative, a Technology Transfer Center was established at the university, whose employees study best practices in the educational, scientific and cultural fields and prepare proposals for implementation.
In addition, leading scientists with extensive experience, who are invited from leading universities in the world, work fruitfully at the university. To date, more than 100 leading scientists conduct their scientific and pedagogical activities at the departments of Samara State University named after Sharaf Rashidov under the Visiting Professor program within the framework of short-term and long-term visits. On the initiative of Rustam Ibragimovich, the Center for International Educational Programs was established on the basis of which the Joint Educational Programs (JEP) of undergraduate and graduate programs operate, which are carried out jointly with universities in Europe, America, Asia and the Russian Federation. Young people have received unique opportunities to receive modern education and realize their ideas by studying on these programs. Under his leadership, the number of faculties has increased, new educational structures are being created, like Institutes with larger and more important tasks in the field of education, science and culture. Laboratories are being created in priority areas of modern science and technology. The contingent of students has increased several times, the degree of teachers has increased, the international rating of the university itself has increased.
The unique experience of Rustam Ibragimovich in the design and modernization of the modern SamSU Campus deserves great attention and universal approval. His basic education and further improvement of knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering give him the opportunity to systematically and successfully implement all projects for the quality construction of buildings on the Campuses. This is highly appreciated by many foreign guests and the university staff themselves. In truth, I want to go back to my student years and study again in renovated classrooms....
Concluding my opinion, I want to say that the builder always creates something new, if something has to be disassembled, it is only in order to build a new, better one .... Our success will be even greater if each of us treats his work with great responsibility, as Rustam Ibrahimovich!
Sometimes I think about the saying of the great Napoleon, who said: “If you have no enemies, you are worth nothing”...maybe he is right.
I am very glad that I work under the leadership of a talented leader such as Rustam Ibragimovich Khalmuradov!
From the Facebook page of Mukhtor Nasyrov,
Head of International Cooperation Department,
Samarkand State University.