The opening ceremony of this conference, held under the slogan “Towards a new Uzbekistan with an intellectual generation,” took place at SamSU. 

      The purpose of the conference is to direct talented and capable youth to scientific research, to help educate mature young specialists who have fully mastered modern technology, information and communication culture. It is also necessary to develop an environment of mutual scientific and creative cooperation among young people, develop friendly relations, create conditions for the mutual exchange of opinions and experiences, and unite young people on the path of scientific and technological development. 

     The conference, held among gifted students, will continue its work in such areas as social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, exact sciences, and technical sciences.

      In addition to students and undergraduates of the university, the conference is attended by students and undergraduates of the Tashkent University of Uzbek Language and Literature, Bukhara State University, Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, AnSU, KarSU, Far State University, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana Medical University of Public Health , as well as almost all higher educational institutions of the Samarkand region.