The Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies of Samarkand State University hosted the international conference “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Educational Technologies: Practice, Experience, Problems and Prospects”.

 The conference was attended by about 90 scientists and researchers from such countries as Malaysia, India, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

 The main purpose of the conference is to discuss the issues of digitalization of higher education, artificial intelligence and information security: challenges and opportunities, problems of using digital technologies in solving practical problems, as well as the results of international research. It is also planned to jointly conduct scientific research, publish articles in prestigious international journals.

 Faizullo Nazarov, Dean of the Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies of Samarkand State University, opened the ceremony with an introductory speech.

    Muhammad Suzuri Hitam, Professor, Terengganu University, Malaysia:

    - The conference was held at a high level. Samarkand State University employs leading specialists in this field. That is why we hold the event at Samarkand State University. Holding such conferences will further improve the ongoing work in the field of artificial intelligence and information technology.

    Svetlana Tupikova, Associate Professor, Saratov State University of Russia:

    - At the conference, I gave a lecture on the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the process of learning and teaching English at university. Excellent organization of the conference, variety of lecture topics aroused great interest of the audience.

    Mokhinur Melieva, doctoral student at Samarkand State University:

    - Having this conference at our university is important for our students. I am glad to take part in the conference. I met with a number of foreign scientists. I also received recommendations for my research work. I listened to his lectures on Dolzarb topic.

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