Samarkand State University’s Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Food Safety has initiated a long-term project with Hankyong National University of South Korea. To discuss the tasks to be completed in the first year of the project, the institute director Toshpulat Rajabov and Associate Professor Rustam Rakhimov from the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture made a practical visit to this university

    During the visit, a meeting was held with Professor Vonhi Li, the President of Hankyong National University, and university officials. The discussion focused on the quality implementation of the tasks outlined in the program and preparing new projects for subsequent phases based on the results achieved. Specifically, it was planned to improve the curriculum and course programs in the field of smart horticulture and vegetable growing at the institute, to publish new textbooks and study guides in collaboration with Korean scholars, and to strengthen research and practical work in this field.

    The activities of the smart greenhouses, field trial areas, and scientific laboratories at Hankyong National University were closely examined. During the project, the detailed plans for constructing and equipping two smart greenhouses with modern equipment at the Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Food Safety were discussed. The construction of these greenhouses is scheduled to begin in the first half of 2025.

    In the second year of the project, it is planned to bring 40 sets of automated mini greenhouse laboratory units to the institute. For this purpose, the operation processes of the mini smart greenhouses already established at Hankyong National University were reviewed.

      To acquire modern knowledge and skills, it was agreed that each year, 10 master's students and undergraduates, as well as 4 faculty members from the institute, will be sent to Hankyong National University's scientific laboratories for training and practical experience.

Samarkand State University

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