An international conference on "The Culture and Religious Beliefs of Sogdiana and Chach in Ancient and Medieval Times" was held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Amriddin Berdimurodov, associate professor at Samarkand State University, candidate of historical sciences, and a renowned archaeologist.

The event, held at the Samarkand Institute of Archaeology, featured participation from Rustam Xolmurodov, rector of Samarkand State University, a science figure of Uzbekistan and member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis; Rustam Qobilov, deputy governor of Samarkand region for tourism, culture, cultural heritage, and mass communications; Senator Farmon Toshev; and academician Ahmadali Asqarov.

Bahodir Abdikarimov, director of the Uzbekistan Cultural Heritage Agency; Muhammad Ali, chairman of the International Amir Temur Public Foundation and Uzbek People’s Writer; Professor Temur Shirinov; French academic Frans Grenet; and Takao Unolar, professor at Tezukayama University in Japan, shared their thoughts on the scientist's activities, research, and the conference.

 Rustam Xolmurodov, rector of Samarkand State University:

    Amriddin Berdimurodov's attitude towards life and people, along with his achievements in science, education, and community service, represents a path that many aspire to follow. Throughout his half-century of scientific activity, he has made significant contributions to the development of archaeology in our country and the creation of archaeological heritage sites. This remarkable scholar has traveled a challenging and honorable path from being an ordinary teacher to the director of an institute. Under his initiative, the publication of the scientific journal "Archaeology of Uzbekistan" was established for the first time in our country. For over 30 years, his role as vice president of the "Timurid Association" in France and his work "Homage to the Motherland" deserve recognition. Recently, your interview titled "You Should Know Where You Come From" in the journal "Samarqandim," published by SamDU, caught the attention of many. We look forward to your scientific achievements and innovations. Happy 70th birthday!

  For your information, Amriddin Berdimurodov has published around 300 scientific and popular articles, as well as nearly 10 monographs and books that are widely used in educational and scientific processes in the field of archaeology. He has been awarded the "Friendship" Order and the French "Academic Palm" Order

Samarqand State University

Information Service,

Photographs by Shavkat AKRAMOV.