The event was attended by the First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the university, Ahmadjon Soliyev, as well as institute directors, faculty deans, and department heads.

      During the meeting, issues such as creating necessary conditions for students to engage in independent learning, improving the quality and effectiveness of education, and implementing modern pedagogical technologies were discussed. Additionally, opinions were exchanged on the challenges students face in the learning process, the adequate provision of independent learning materials, and their practical application.

    The Vice-Rector provided the meeting participants with several important recommendations and assignments regarding the development of students' independent learning. In particular, he emphasized the need to focus on the following areas:

  • Providing students with modern methodological guides and electronic resources for independent learning;
  • Expanding the capabilities of university libraries and e-learning platforms;
  • Establishing an effective mentoring system between faculty members and students;
  • Applying advanced practices in independent learning and developing cooperation with foreign universities;
  • Encouraging students' independently conducted scientific and creative work and implementing their results in practice.

     Additionally, during the meeting, faculty deans and department heads were assigned to develop and implement relevant measures regarding these issues. At the end of the meeting, future plans and proposals were formulated based on the opinions and suggestions expressed by the participants.

   This meeting represents an important step toward improving the quality and effectiveness of education at Samarkand State University and will contribute to the further enhancement of students' learning processes in the future.

Samarkand State University
Information Service.