Arzikulov Eshkuvat Ulashevich
Professor | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Physics of energy resources, Fundamentals of nanotechnology, Technologies for producing solar cells, Priorities for creating modern solar cells, Optics and metrology of solar cells, Design of solar power plants, Analog and digital components, Solid state physics, Physics of semiconductor devices, Introduction to electronics
1979-1980 - Collective farm worker Achil Kadyrov, Koshrabotsky district
1980-1985 - Student at Samarkand State University
1985-1987 - Senior laboratory assistant at the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute
1987-1988 - Research intern at Tashkent Polytechnic Institute
1988-1991 - Postgraduate student at Tashkent State Technical University
1992-1992 - Engineer of Samarkand State University
1992-1995 - Assistant, Associate Professor, Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
1995-1997 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University
1997-2010 - Head of the Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
2010-2013 - Associate Professor, Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
2013-2014 - Acting Head of the Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
2014-2020 - Head of the Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
2021 - present - Professor, Department of Solid State Physics, Samarkand State University
Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest in nanoscale metal-semiconductor-dielectric (MYAD) or metal-oxide-dielectric (MOS) structures. Thanks to this, on the basis of such structures, it became possible to create highly sensitive sensors for external influences (sensors), power detectors for atomic force microscopes, photodetectors, solar cells, etc. Based on such devices, it will be possible to create a completely new generation of nanoelectronic devices. In practice, such devices can be used as active elements of modern micro- and nanoelectronics. It should be noted that the technology for obtaining structures can be integrated into the technology for obtaining silicon microchips, which makes them more affordable and attractive.
"1. Arzikulov, E.U., Nurimov, A.D., Salakhitdinov, F.A., ... Khujanov, A.Sh., Usanov, R.M. LATERAL PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT IN IRON-SILICON DIOXIDE-COMPENSATED SILICON HYBRID STRUCTURES. East European Journal of Physics, 2023, 2023(4), pp. 159–166
2. Arzikulov, E.U., Radzhabova, M., Quvondiqov, S.J., Gulyamov, G. MECHANISMS OF CURRENT TRANSITION IN HIGH COMPENSATED SILICON SAMPLES WITH ZINC NANOCLUSTERS. East European Journal of Physics, 2023, 2023(3), pp. 400–405
3. Arzikulov, E.U., Salakhitdinov, F.A., Kholmurodov, F., Tashboev, M.D. Investigations of the formation of nanosized objects in manganese implanted silicon single crystals by the methods of Raman scattering of light and atomic force microscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023, 2573(1), 012015
4. Arzikulov, E.U., Nurimov, A.D., Axrorov, S.Q., Mamatqulov, N. A study of surface morphology of Fe/p-Si hybrid structure using atom force microscope. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023, 2573(1), 012016
5. Arzikulov, E.U., Xasanov, X., Eshmamatov, S.K., ... Quvondiqov, Sh.J., Bobonov, D.T. Heat Conductivity of the Material Obtained by Melting Steel on the Flame Supersonic Jet of Mix of Air-Propane. Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, 2022, 44(8), pp. 1003–1012"