Research Laboratory "Transfer of Agro-biotechnologies" of the Institute of Agro-biotechnologies and Food Security of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov was established in 2022 under the leadership of the Rector of the University Prof. R.I. Khalmuradov on the initiative of Associate Professor T.F. Rajabov, Director of the Institute of Agro-biotechnologies and Food Security and Associate Professor of the Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies T.K. Ortikov.
The purpose of the scientific laboratory "Transfer of agro-biotechnologies-scientific research works" is to launch problematic research works related to the field of soil science, agrochemistry and crop production, in the field of research works, introduction of the obtained results in practice, state scientific and technical programs and is in the targeted development of economic sectors.
Research Laboratory Directions:
- Laboratory of soil science
- Agrochemical laboratory
- Laboratory of plant protection and phytopathology
The Research Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology Transfer employs talented students, masters, basic doctoral students, doctoral candidates, independent researchers and professors, as well as researchers conducting research work in the field.
At present, advanced laboratory equipment is brought to the laboratory from abroad, including Japan, China, Russia and other leading countries for scientific research. This equipment is used to improve the scientific potential and quality of articles.
Laboratory of agrochemistry and soil science Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer ICPE-9820 - This instrument is used to determine about 70 elements, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, trace elements and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, which allows solving many problems related to soil regime, its properties and ecological state, fertilizers, copper, etc.., plant feeding, fertilizer application, irrigation of agricultural crops. |
SPECTROPHOTOMETER - Determines gross phosphorus, gross nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in soil, plants, fertilizer, water and on the basis of these data establish fertilizer rates required for crops. |
pH-metr Solutions are used to determine the water and soil environment. And based on this information, it is possible to create an optimal environment for plants by carrying out the necessary measures for normal growth and development of plants in fields where crops are sown. |
Flame photometer Determines elements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, lithium, barium in soil, plants, fertilizers and water. Scientifically based conclusions are drawn from the information obtained. |
Conductometer By determining the electrical conductivity of soil water absorption the level of soil salinity is estimated. Based on this information, the norms of saline flushing on fields where crops are sown are determined. Or instructions for planting salt-tolerant crops on saline lands.
Ionometer It is used to determine lithium, potassium, ammonium, sodium, calcium, barium, chlorine, cadmium and other ions contained in soil, water, fertilizer solutions, while determining the pH value and giving the necessary conclusions to farmers and farms. |
Publication of laboratory results
- Холиқулов Ш., Абдумаликов Ж. Органоминерал чиқиндилардан тайёрланган компостларнинг тупроқ унумдорлиги ва ғўза ҳосилдорлигига таъсири” Монография. Самарқанд 2022
Foreign conferences
Холикулов Ш.Т., Пардаев С.Б. Использование органических компонентов твердо-бытовых отходов для увеличения ресурсов органического удобрения. Международной научно-практической конференции «Биологический круговорот питательных веществ при использовании удобрений и биоресурсов в системах земледелия различной интенсификации» 20-21 июля 2021 г. Владимир. Россия. С.123-138.
2. Абдурахимов М.Особенности возделывание картофеля на засоленных почвах.. “ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВЕННОГО ФОРУМА -2021. 18-21 мая 2021 года в г. Москва.
3.Ортиков Т.К., Бафаева З.Х. Шўрланган тупроқлар шароитида азотли ўғит меъёрини ғўзанинг айрим физиологик хоссалари ва ҳосилдорлигига таъсири// «Инновацион ғоялар, ишланмалар амалиётга: муаммолар, тадқиқотлар ва ечимлар»/Халкаро онлайн илмий-амалий анжуман. 2021 йил 21 апрель, Андижон. –Б. 327-329
4. Ортиков Т. К., Артикова Х. Т., Умаров О. Р. //Содержание и состав солей лугово-аллювиальных почв с разной степенью засоления и влияние их на микробиологическую активность почв // Материалы Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции молодых ученых/ 11–12 февраля 2021. Нижний Новгород. 2021-C/ 37-40
5. Ортиков Т. К., Бафаева З. Х. Изменение площади листьев и урожайности хлопчатника под действием азотных удобрений на лугово-аллювиальных почвах с разной степенью засоления // Материалы Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции молодых ученых/ 11–12 февраля 2021. Нижний Новгород. 2021. –С. 40-43
6. Ортиков Т.К., Шониёзов Б.К., Ташкенбаев О.Н. Амарант озиқланишида ўғитларнинг роли// Озиқ-овқат хавфсизлиги: миллий ва глобал омиллар III-халқаро илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами 2021 йил 15-16 октябрь Самарқанд, -Б. 180-182
7. Абдурахимов М.К., Абдуҳакимова Н. Ғўза агроценозида тупроқнинг оғир металлар билан ифлосланиши ва унинг экологик муҳитига таъсирини баҳолаш.// “O‘zbekistonda ilm-fanning rivojlanish istiqbollari” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjumani. 2022 yil 30 noyabr | -Б. 307-312.
8. Абдурахимов М.К., Абдуҳакимова Н. Ғўза агроценозида тупроқнинг оғир металлар билан ифлосланиши ва унинг экологик муҳитига таъсирини баҳолаш.// “O‘zbekistonda ilm-fanning rivojlanish istiqbollari” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjumani. 2022 yil 30 noyabr | -Б. 307-312. Ушбу мақоланинг индексланганлиги тўғрисида маълумотнома.
9. Abduraximov M. K., Xudoyberdiyev J. R. Shahar ekotizimlarini hosil qilishda yashil maydonlarning tutgan o‘rni (samarqand shahri misolida). “INTERNATIONAL СONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND TEACHING” 2022/15. TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN 2022/ August 30. B. -188-194.
10.Abduraximov M, Xudoyberdiyev J. Ekologiya ta’limini yanada takomillashtirishning dolzarb masalalari. // XALQARO ILMIY FORUM I INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM UZBEKISTAN,TASHKENT – 22.06.2022. -B. 36-38.
11. Ортиқов Т.Қ, Бойтураев Н, Эшманов Б. Тупроқ механик таркиби ва гумус холатининг унинг сув хоссаларига таъсири. Theoretical and Practical Principles of Innovative Development of the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekiston, SBTSAU Conterence, 711-715 2022 volume3
12. Sultanbekova R,Shoniyozov B.K,Ortiqov T.Q (2022)Azotlio‘g‘itlarni amaranth етиштиришда озиқ моддалар балансига таъсири Theoretical and Practical Principles of Innovative Development of the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekiston, SBTSAU Conterence, 659-664
13. Shoniyozov B.K,Ortiqov T.Q., UsmonovR (2002) Минерал ва органик ўғитларни амарант етиштиришда озиқ моддалар балансига таъсири Theoretical and Practical Principles of Innovative Development of the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekiston, SBTSAU Conterence, 659-664
14. Курвантаев Р., Газиев Т., Ярлакопова Г.,Суюнов Ж -Гранулометрический и структурный состав орошаемых почв самаркандской области // Научно-технологические приоритеты в развитии агропромышленного комплекса России. Материалы 73-й международной научно-практической конференции часть И 21 апреля 2022 года. г. Рязань. С-46-51.
15. Khudayorov Zafar, Mirzakhodjaev Sherzodkhuja, Khalilov Rakhmonberdi, Nurmikhamedov Buron and Mamasov Shavkat. Based On Parameters Of Deflector Nozzles Of Rain Irrigation Machines. «Экологик технологиялар ва барқарор ривожланиш учун муҳандислик (ETESD-2022)» “ТИҚХММИ” МТУда ҳалқаро конференциясига мақола берилди:
16. Халилов Насриддин.Рахмонова Х “Самарқанд вилояти шароитида соя навларининг ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлиги” International Scientific Journal SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Special issue “Sustainable forestry” Осtober 14-15, Tashkent 2022. 646-648 betlar
17. Халилов Насриддин., Х.Рахмонова “Соя ва ғўза навларининг фазалараро ва ўсув даври давомийлигининг таъсири” Қишлоқ хўжалик экинларининг генетик ресурсларидан унумли фойдаланиш ҳамда етиштиришда замонавий илғор технологияларни қўллаш истиқболлари Халқаро илмий-амалий конференция тўплами I-қисм Қарши 2022 йил. 130-134 бетлар
18. Махсудова М. “Ғўзани барг сатҳини ва қуруқ масса тупланишига, сув озиқа режими, туп сонларининг сақланишига боғлиқлиги” INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY 2022/9
Laboratory staff
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Ravshanov Javokhir Yunusovich Head of Research Laboratory of Agrobiotechnologies Transfer Laboratory |
Ortikov Tulkin Kuchkarovich Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor |
Khoshimov Farhod Khakimovich Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection |
Kholikulov Shodi Turdikulovich Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies |
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Khaitov Mamadiyor Allayorovich Head of Horticulture and Viticulture Department |
Toshkentboev Otabek Negmatovich Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor |