Postgraduate Education – This type of education is aimed at in-depth study of the specialty and conducting scientific research to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation. It includes the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with academic degrees through foundation postgraduate, doctoral studies, and independent research.

Postgraduate Education Institute – A system of postgraduate education that is implemented in scientific organizations or educational institutions in the form of foundation postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, or independent research.

Research Trainee – A form of education in which a researcher conducts scientific and creative research in the relevant field without being involved in production, with the aim of obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.

Foundation Postgraduate Studies – A type of postgraduate education for doctoral candidates (PhD) who are preparing for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It is organized separately from production and focuses on the development of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

Doctoral Studies – A type of postgraduate education for candidates aiming to obtain a Doctor of Science (DSc) degree. It is organized separately from production and is focused on highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training in a specific field.

Independent Research – A form of postgraduate education conducted without being separated from production, aimed at preparing candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) in specialized fields of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

Research Trainee – A person accepted in the prescribed manner for research training in scientific organizations or educational institutions.

Doctoral Candidate – A person accepted in the prescribed manner for foundation postgraduate studies or doctoral studies at a scientific organization or educational institution.

Independent Researcher – A person accepted for independent research in scientific organizations or educational institutions according to established procedures.

Researcher – A person preparing a doctoral dissertation to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) degree.

Targeted Doctoral Studies – A program aimed at training scientific personnel who are lacking in a particular higher educational or scientific institution, conducted under a contract with another institution.

Unified Electronic System for Postgraduate Education Coordination – An information system designed to organize the electronic exchange of documents for admissions to postgraduate educational institutions, as well as for the submission of individual plans and reports for research trainees and researchers.

Unified Electronic System: