Scientific Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy
Head of the laboratory
Xolikulov O'tkirjon Arzimurotovich
- Reception hours: Daily from 8:00 to 16:00
- Telephone: +99893 729 49 82
- Email:
Laboratory history
In 1960, Academician A.Q.Atakhojayev founded the "Optics" scientific school and established a scientific laboratory of problems in the faculty based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1953-1957, a number of talented young students were attracted to the laboratory of problems established by A.Q.Atakho'jayev, who studied "Optical properties of liquids" in cooperation with the scientists of St. Petersburg University Prof. E.F.Gross and Prof. M.F.Vuks, and the formation of the School of Optics was achieved.
Professors in the laboratory of problems working under the direct leadership of Academician A.Q.Atakho'jayev: F.Kh.Tukhvatullin, Sh.Fayzullayev, L.M.Sobirov, N.Nizomov, A.Jumbaev, R.Akhmedjanov, S.Astonov, F.Ganiyev, U.N.Tashkenbayev, N.B.Eshkobilov , H.Hushvaktov, candidates of science: T.Otarova, B.S.Jorayev, Kh.Torakulov, M.Hamrokulov, U.Jurayev, M.Muminova, Y.Turakulov, U.Zohidov, E.Shermatov, G'.Murodov, O.Yakubov, R.Eshboriyev, S.Qurbaniyazov, A.Shodiyev, E.Khojiyeva, Z.Mamatov, A.Absanov, Q.Xudaynazarov, Sh.Ismailov, M.Kuliyeva, B.Burkhanov, A.Shodiyev, B.Khudoyberdiyev, G'.Sharipov, B.Khudaykulov, and more than 20 doctors of science and more than 40 candidates of science. Currently, they are working effectively in republican and SA network institutes, higher education institutions and production enterprises.
Laboratory activities
The "Molecular Spectroscopy" scientific laboratory is equipped with modern equipment (Renishaw inVia Raman spectrometer). Spectroscopic characteristics of nano-sized molecular clusters of biological objects necessary for life are studied in the laboratory under the leadership of Professor A.Jumabaev. With the help of Raman and IR spectroscopy, the quality of biologically active substances that play an important role in the activity of food, medicine and other living organisms are analyzed. Laboratory staff from Kyiv National University, St. Petersburg State University, Seoul National University of South Korea, Kokagiun University of Japan, Odessa National University, Tajikistan National University, Institute of Scintillation Materials of Ukrainian SA, Institute of Organic Chemistry of Ukrainian SA, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics of Belarusian SA and Tomsk State University is being conducted scientific work with the staff of our laboratory.
1 doctoral student (DSc): 5 basic doctoral students, 1 target doctoral student and 1 independent researcher worked in the laboratory. 2022 basic doctoral student.
Renishaw inVia Raman spectrometer
With the help of this spectrometer, the spectroscopic characteristics of biological objects necessary for life are studied, and the quality of biologically active substances that play an important role in the activity of food, medicine and other living organisms is analyzed.
Also, ab-initio calculations are carried out in the laboratory with the help of modern computers in order to supplement and compare the experimental results.
Research projects
1. Under the leadership of Professor A.Jumabaev, in cooperation with the scientists of the National University of Kyiv and the National University of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. FZ-20200929385 for the years 2022-2026 "Study of nanoscale molecular clusters of biological objects and development of spectroscopic and ab-initio methods of analysis" (almost 3 billion sums).
2. A. Jumabayev and H.A. Khushvaktov European grant for 2023-2027 on the topic "Photonics and optical communications" (655,365 euros).
Employees working in the laboratory
Jumabayev Abduvakhid
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Hushvaktov Hakim Abdulkhakovich
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Absanov Ahmad Abdusattarovich
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
Murodov G’ulomxon
Fizika-matematika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent
Sharifov Gayrat Nabiyevich
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
List of scientific articles and theses published in 2022:
Articles published in international scientific journals
- Jumabaev A., Khudaykulov B., Doroshenko I., Hushvaktov H., Absanov A. Raman and ab initio study of intermolecular interactions in aniline // Vibrational Spectroscopy 122 (2022). pp.1-6. (Scopus базасида, IF 2.507).
- A.Jumabaev, Kh.Xushvaktov, I.Doroshenko, G.Sharifov, A.Absanov. Role of intermolecular interactions in formation of molecular clusters in liquid nitromethane and its solutions // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2022. pp.1-9. (Scopus).
- Hushvaktov H., Khudaykulov B., Jumabaev A., Doroshenko I., Absanov A., Murodov G. Study of formamide molecular clusters by Raman spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 2022. pp. 1-8. (Scopus базасида, IF=0,896)
- A.Amonov, K.G.Tokhadze, G.Murodov, A.Jumabaev, G.Nurmurodova. Exploration of the СH3CN…HF complex in gas phase with high-resolution IR spectroscopy and computational methods // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 2022. pp. 9-13. (Scopus базасида, IF=0,896)
- G.Murodov, U.Holikulov, G.Nurmurodova, T.Hasanov. Computational Studies On Molecular Structure Of CH3CHO•••HX (X=F, Cl) Complexes // Central asian journal of theoretical and applied sciences. Vol.: 3 Issue 02. 2022 pp. 102-110.
- B.Khudaykulov, U.Holikulov, J.Sulaymonov, R.Sayfinov, B.Iltazarov. Study of the mechanisms of formation of aggregates in ethyleneglycol molecules using theoretical calculations // International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) // Vol. 31 No.1, 2022, pp. 197-201.
- А. Jumabaev, U. Holikulov, H. Hushvaktov, A. Absanov, L. Bulavin. Interaction of valine with water molecules: Raman and DFT study // Ukr. J. Phys. 2022. Vol. 67, No.8, pp.602-610. (Scopus).
Articles published in republican scientific journals
- Xudaykulov B. Study of molecular interactions in aniline and its aqueous solutions: experiment and calculations // Uzbek Journal of Physics. 2022, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 100-105. https // 327.
- Khudaykulov B., Absanov A., Mamatov Z., Shodiyev A. Vibration features and HOMO-LUMO analysis of dimethylsulfoxide: Raman spectraand quantum-chemical calculations // O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti xabarlari. 2022, 3/2, pp. 507-510
- U.Holikulov, A.Jumabaev, Sh.Yormatov. A theoretical study on the molecular structure of nitroethane complexes // O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti xabarlari. 2022, 3/2, pp. 490-493.
- Jumabayev A., Xushvaqtov H., Absanov A., G.Sharifov, Ernazarov Z., Odilova S. Meta-ksilol va uning eritmalarida molekulalararo ta’sirlarni kombinatsion sochilish spektrlarida namoyon bo‘lishi // SamDU ilmiy axborotnoma. 2022. №3. 106-110 betlar.
- A.Absanov, A.Jumabaev, H.Hushvaktov, G.Sharifov, Z.Ernazarov. Ab initio calculations of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in trifluoroacetic acid with water // O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti xabarlari, 2022, [3/1/1] ISSN 2181-7324, pр.445-448.
Abstracts published in international conferences
- Jumabaev A., Khudaykulov B., Khushvaktov H., Absanov A., Sulaymonov J., Toshmuradov N., Manifestation of vibrational spectra of intermolecular interactions in aqueous solutions of dimethylsulfoxide // Роль физики в развитие науки, просвещения и инноваций, Международная конференция, 27 октября 2022 года. Таджикистан.
- Jumabaev A., Khudaykulov B., Doroshenko I., Hushvaktov H., Absanov A. Raman and ab initio study of intermolecular interactions in aniline // Institute of Electron Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Uzhhorod
21-23 September 2022. - H.A.Hushvaktov, L.X.Djumanov, U.A.Holikulov. Metil etil ketonning xloroformli eritmalaridagi molekular agregatlarning tuzilishi va ularning raman spektrlari // Конденсирланган муҳитлар физикасининг ривожланиш истиқболлари. Халқаро илмий ва илмий-техник анжуман материаллари. 14-15 октябр. 2022. – Қарши. 23-25-б
- А.Jumabaev, U. Holikulov, H. Hushvaktov, A. Absanov, L. Djumanov. Interaction of valine with water molecules: Raman and DFT study// Jubilee conference "30 years of the Institute of Electronic Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" Uzhhorod, 21-23 September 2022. 170-171
- Abduvakhid Jumabaev, Utkirjon Holikulov, Hakim Hushvaktov, Ahmad Absanov. Intermolecular interaction study ofo-aminobenzoic acid in ethanol solution // Международной конференции на тему “Рол физики в развитии науки, просвещения и инновации” 27-октябр. Душанбе-2022. 69-71-б.
- A.Jumabaev, A.A.Absanov, G.Sharifov, Z.Ernazarov. Metil asetat molekulasidagi molekulyar klasterlarni noempirik hisoblashlar yordamida o‘rganish // “Kondensirlangan muhit fizikasining rivojlanish istiqbollari” Xalqaro ilmiy va ilmiy-texnik anjuman. 2022. 14-15 oktabr. Karshi. 7-8 betlar.
- H.Hushvaktov, А.Аbsanov, Z.Ernazarov, G.Sharifov, L.Djumanov. Formation of molecular complexes in propoinic acid // «Роль физики в развитии науки, просвещения и инновации» Международной конференции. 27 октября 2022. Душанбе. C.39-40.
Abstracts published in republican conferences
- Jumabaev A., Khudaykulov B., Hushvaktov H., Mamatov Z.,Tuychiyev N., Abduqayumov S. Study of anyline molecular structure by ab-initio calculations // Fotonika muammolari va rivojlanish istiqbollari . Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. 27-28 may. 2022. – Urganch. 180-182 -b.
- Mamatov Z.U., Xudaykulov B., Suyarova Y., Sayfinov R. Study of dimethylsulfoxide molecular complexes by Raman spectra and theoretical calculations // Respublika ko’p tarmoqli ilmiy sammit materiallari to’plami. 22-fevral. 2022. – Toshkent. 495-497- b.
- Jumabaev A., Holikulov U.A., Djumanov L.X., Iltizarov B.D. The structure of H-bonded complexes of l-valine// Ilmiy tadqiqotlar SAMMITI. 22-fevral. 2022. – Toshkent. 372-375-b
- A.Jumabaev, U.A.Holikulov, L.X.Djumanov, N.B.Tuychiyev intermolecular interaction study of o-aminobenzoic acid in polar protic solvent// Fotonika muammolari va rivojlanish istiqbollari. Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. 27-28 may. 2022. – Urganch. 195-196 -b.
- G’.Murodov, U.Xo’jamov, G.Nurmurodova, T.Hasanov, M.Qudratova. Galoidovodorodlar ishtirokida molekulalararo o’zaro ta’sirlarning tebranish spektrlari // Fotonika muammolari va rivojlanish istiqbollari . Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. 27-28 may. 2022. – Urganch. 196-197 -b.
- U.Holikulov, Sh.Yormatov, A.Abduvakhidov, B.Iltizarov. A theoretical study of nitroethane self-association// Ёш олимлар ва физик талабаларнинг II республика илмий анжумани. 20-21 май. 2022. – Тошкент. 263-265.
- A.Jumabaev, H.Hushvaktov, A.Absanov, G.Sharifov, Z.Ernazarov. Ab-initio calculations of aggregation of molecules in trifluoroacetic acid with water // “Fan, ta’lim, texnikani innovatison rivojlantirish masalalari”, AnDU, Andijon, 12-aprel, 2022-yil, 48-51 betlar.
- A.Norqulov, Z.Ernazarov, G.Sharifov, S.Umarov. Suyuq diatsetil klasterlarida molekulalararo o‘zaro ta’sirlarni nazariy hisoblashlar yordamida o‘rganish // “Respublika ko‘p tarmoqli ilmiy tadqiqotlar sammiti”, O‘zMU, Toshkent, 22-fevral 2022-yil, 609-611 betlar.
- A.Absanov, G.Murodov, S.Odilova, G.Sharifov, O.Sulaymonov. Aromatik uglevodorodlarda molekulalararo o„zaro ta’sirlarni o’rganish // “Fotonika muammolari va rivojlanish istiqbollari”, Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiallari. Urganch. 27-28 may. 2022.186-188 betlar.
- A.Jumabayev, H.Xushvaqtov, A.Absanov, B.Xudaykulov, Formamidda molekulalararo tasirlarni tebranish spektrlarida namoyon bo‘lishi // Kondensirlangan moddalar va muhandislik fizikasi muammolari, Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya materiallari. 25-26-noyabr. 2022. Samarqand. 85-88-b.
- H.Hushvaktov,L.Djumanov, A.Dursoatov, M.Ne’matova. Metil etil ketonda molekulalararo ta’sirlarni kombinatsion sochilish spektrlari va hisoblash natijalari // “Fan, ta’lim, texnikani innovatison rivojlantirish masalalari”, AnDU, Andijon, 12-aprel, 2022-yil, 80-81 betlar.