Head of the vivarium

Khaitov Davron Gaibullaevich


The scientific laboratory “Vivarium (biophysiological and biochemical research)” of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov was created in 2022 on the initiative of the rector of the university Rustam Halmuradov. The purpose of the scientific laboratory “Vivarium (Biophysiological and biochemical research)” is to conduct research work on important topics in the field of human and animal physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, implement the results obtained in practice, target state scientific and technical programs and sectors of the economy.


Laboratory direction:

    The Vivarium scientific laboratory is equipped with modern laboratory equipment imported from Germany, the Czech Republic, Japan, China, Russia and other leading countries. The laboratory consists of a vivarium where animals are kept for research, a scientific laboratory and a subsidiary department. The scientific laboratory includes such areas as physiology, biochemistry, hematology, immunochemistry, electrophysiology, microelements, coagulometry.

Laboratory of Biochemistry

Specializes in quantitative and qualitative research of proteins, lipids, enzymes, carbohydrates, protein-free nitrogen, macro- and microelements and other compounds contained in liquid biological materials (plasma, blood serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.).

Laboratory of Immunochemistry

The processes of determining immunoglobulin and other indicators are carried out in the human and animal bodies, including the thyroid gland, hypertension, bone metabolism, anemia, liver and kidney function. Currently, the laboratory is conducting scientific research to study the course of glycometabolism processes.

Spectrophotometry Laboratory

This laboratory studies the processes of determining the basic parameters of chemical compounds and colored solutions using photometric, spectral, quantitative, kinetic and biochemical methods. Various substances are identified in the food industry. Currently, the laboratory is conducting research on the spectral analysis of essential oils isolated from some medicinal plants.

Laboratory of coagulometry

In the process of hemophilia and blood coagulation in the body, scientific research can be carried out to determine the activity and quantitative indicators of thrombin, prothrombin, fibrinogen, thromboplastin and other biologically active substances.

Laboratory of Electrophysiology

Research is being conducted on normal and pathological changes in the activity of the heart and circulatory system in humans and animals.

Hematology Laboratory

A morphological analysis of human and animal blood, consisting of 24 indicators, is carried out using a hematological analyzer. You can determine the number of blood cells (red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets) in the blood, percentages and their size. In addition, research work is being carried out to determine hemoglobin, EchT blood color index, hematocrit and other tests.

Microelements Laboratory

Research work is being carried out on the spectral analysis of macro- and microelements in biological materials, soil and water.


Preparation of medicines

Preparations are made from biological tissues in normal and pathological conditions. During the preparation of these preparations, cells and tissues can be enlarged, photographed and videotaped.

Laboratory staff

Khuzhabekov Mirzaakhmat Abdusamotovich

Junior Researcher

Rajamurodov Zainitdin Turobovich

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Kuziev Mirzokhid Sadullaevich

Doctor of Philosophical Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher


Bozorov Bakhriddin Muhammadievich

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Tozhikulova Oisara Jurakulovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Turamkulov Shokir Normuminovich


Abdurazzakov Abdullo Fakhriddinovich

Animal Care Worker

Scientific laboratory "Vivarium": today...

    In a short period of time since the start of the work of the Vivarium scientific laboratory, the laboratory team published a textbook “Hematology”. Research work was carried out on the topics “Parasitic phytonematodes of some vegetable crops in the Samarkand region and measures to combat them”, “The influence of feeding pasture feed on the digestive processes, productivity and quality of milk of goats”. Today, scientific research is being conducted on such topics as “The influence of enriching the diet of rabbits with probiotic supplements on metabolic and productivity indicators”, “The influence of cadmium salts on the hematological parameters of rabbits”, “The influence of heavy metal salts on the osmotic resistance of rabbit erythrocytes and preventive measures” . In addition, 4 business contracts were concluded.

Currently, research is being conducted on such scientific projects as “Accelerating the physiological development and productivity of imported rabbits under the influence of additional feed” and “Physiological basis for the production and use of whey-enriched feed in poultry farming.”

Published works based on the results of research conducted in the laboratory:


2. Raaulov S.K, NazarovK.D, Suvonqulov U.T, To’ramqulov SH.N,- Bolalarda temir metabolizmi va tanqisligi monografya, Toshkent 2022.

3. Сафин М.Г. Медь в гепатоцитах каракульских овец в норме и при нарушениях ее обмена.(Монография) Самарканд: Из-ство СамГУ имени Шарафа Рашидова, 2022. – 132 с.


  1. Bozorov B.M. «Ichki muhit fiziologiyasi fanidan amaliy va laboratoriya mashg‘ulotlari». O`quv qo‘llanma. – Samarqand. SamDU nashriyoti, 2022. – 183 bet.
  2. To‘ramqulov Shokir Normuminovich - Yosh fiziologiyasi va gigiyenasi» fanidan laboratoriya va amaliy mashg‘ ulotlar  o‘quv qo‘llanma.  Samarqand – 2022.
  3. А.И.Ражабов, М.Г. Сафин, М.С. Кузиев. Биофизикадан лаборатория машғулотлари. Ўқув қўлланма. 2022 йил 190 бет.
  4. Hayitov D.G’. «Gematologiya». O`quv qo‘llanma. – Toshkent. “LESSON PRESS” nashriyoti, 2022. – 226 bet.

Foreign Articles:

  1. D.G. Khayitov. The Effect of External Environmental Variables on Blood Protein Indications of Rabbits. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section A – Zoology (Animal Science) (web of science) Print version   ISSN 0970 0765; Online version ISSN 2320 3188; DOI:10.5958/2320-3188.2021.00024.32; Vol. 41A, No.2,. July-December 2022. рр-1-5
  2. Rajamuradova N.Z.,  Kuziyev М.S., Rajamuradov Z.Т. // Influence of Additional Feeding of Succous Goats on Indices of Natural Resistance of the Organism of Goats, Milk Productivity and  on the Development of Goatlings. // Bulletin of   Pure and Applied Sciences  Section A – Zoology (Animal Science) . -81-85,  2022-yil. DOI:  10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00011.0.
  3. Tojikulova O.J. Effects of Pb2+and CD2+ ions on functional indicators of liver mitochondria of rats in milk absorption in vivo conditions. Volume 14 No 6 (2022): International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education.
  4. Bazarov B.M., Rajamuradov Z. T. Additional Feeding and Its Influence on the Change in the Metabolic Processes ofthe Body of Pregnant Queens//Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section A – Zoology (Animal Science) January-June 2022.,Volume 41A, Number 1 74-80 p
  5. Turamkulov Sh.N.,Rasulov S.Q., Rajabov A.E., AminjonovSh.A. // Value of research of macro- and micro-elemental composition of the diet for the purpose of nutritional support of iron deficiency in high-risk groups in the “mother-child” system. // DOI:10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.627 ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 05 2022.
  6. Kuziev M. S., Vahidova A. M., Khuzhdanova M. A. // Intensification of Pecilomyces Spherules in Patients  with Echinococcosis. // Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology.-4810-4817,2022-yil. https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700175150
  7. M.S.Kuziyev, H.N.Hazratova, K.T.Dustov. // Provision of minerals for primary school students in  rural conditions. // European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS). -Vol. 3 No. 6, June 2022 . 107-110,  2022-yil. Available Online at: https://www.scholarzest.com.
  8.  Rajamuradov Z, Rajamuradova N. Influence of Additional Feeding of Sucrose Goat Females on Indicators of Natural Resistance of the Body and Productivity of Kids// Open Journal of Animal Sciences,  Number 3, 2022 ,12, 506-514 p
  9. M.A.Baxrillayeva.,  Zaynitdin Razamuradov “The negative effect of heavy metal salts on the body of mammal animals. ” Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2022, 12, 704-711 https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojas. ISSN Online: 2161-7627. p-704-711.