Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of
Samarkand State University
Ruziev Farid Ashurovich
Department assistant. Conducts scientific research on genetic research, in particular on the heredity of the qualitative characteristics of grain crops. Conducts scientific research on the topic "Inheritance of grain quality indicators in hybrids of spring soft wheat." Based on the results of his research, he published 2 textbooks, 6 scientific articles and more than 30 theses.
Staff of the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology
Makhmudova Zakhro Vakhabovna
Candidate of biological sciences, professor. She has been working at the department since 1966. She defended her thesis on the topic "Genetics and selection of grapes". The scientist published many articles about her scientific research, created 1 monograph, 2 textbooks and teaching aids. |
Ismailov Zafar Fayzullaevich Candidate of biological sciences, professor. He is the founder of the direction of biotechnology at the university. In 1983 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Genetic control of translation of the Tn1 transposon in E. coli cells" and in 1996 his doctoral thesis on "Genetic and biochemical studies of soil bacteria - antagonists of plant microflora". From 1997 to the present, he has been a member of the Scientific Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since 2019 at the Bukhara State University. In 2001, he was the organizer of the first international conference on biotechnology in Uzbekistan with the participation of scientists from Germany, Israel, the USA, published more than 200 scientific articles, 1 textbook and study guide in world journals.
Jabborov Ibrokhim Shodmonovich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. He continues purposeful scientific research in the field of using the gene pool of Central Asian soft wheat in breeding. In 1992 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Studying the rye population on the basis of pseudo-self-compatibility”, and in 2019 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Genetic and physiological diversity of samples of ancient local spring soft wheat from the southwestern region of Uzbekistan”. More than 55 scientific works of the scientist have been published. |
Kan Svetlana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1988 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Studies of various genetic test systems for assessing the genotoxicity of succulent waters". Svetlana Kan's scientific works are mainly devoted to the problems of ecology, medicine, genetic engineering and biotechnology. Takes an active part in the scientific research of the department and research work on the main scientific topic. To date, she has published about 50 scientific articles and created many teaching aids, taking part in scientific research related to the diagnosis of oncological diseases that occur mainly in children and adults. |
Alikulov Begali Saidullaevich Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor. His scientific activity in recent years is based on research on alternative energy sources to stabilize the energy supply of the population of the desert and nearby territories and determine the biotechnological potential of endophytic bacteria of halophytic plants. The scientist conducts extensive research to assess the potential of some halophyte plants, widely distributed in the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan and not used for their intended purpose in the sectors of the national economy, as a new source of alternative energy and endophytic bacteria. Begali Alikulov published 1 monograph, 18 scientific articles and about 30 theses. Patentee of 2 inventions. Begali Alikulov takes an active part in research within the framework of practical projects "Development of integrated and environmentally effective methods for the rational use of desert pastures in Uzbekistan (on the example of Karnobchul)" and innovative projects "Development of an integrated technology for obtaining biofuel from the biomass of halophyte plants and animal waste". Based on the results of the project, a practical instruction “Complex technology for obtaining biofuel from the biomass of halophytic plants and organic animal waste” was developed and published in co-authorship for implementation in farms and farms of the population of desert areas. Along with effective scientific work, the scientist achieved a number of achievements in pedagogical activity. For his pedagogical activity he published 2 textbooks, 3 teaching aids, 3 teaching aids.
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Dushanova Gavkhar Abdukarimovna +99891 5282525 Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2006 she has been working at the Department of Genetics, Biochemistry and Physiology of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University. Since 2018, she has been the head of the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology at Samarkand State University. In 2006, she studied the parameters of the immune system in the blood of residents of Samarkand and the Dzhambay region according to tests of I and II levels, the genetic control of this and the immune system, immunogenetic parameters of antigens of histotypes I (A, V) and II (DR). She defended her Ph.D. thesis, conducting research using serological methods in her classes. Research work was carried out at the Institute of Immunology and Human Genomics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Immunology of the Scientific Center of the Russian Federation. The current scientific work of Gavkhar Dushanova is devoted to the epigenetic control of the differentiation of lymphopoietic cells. Author of more than 50 scientific articles, 1 monograph and 3 manuals. Articles by Gavkhar Dushanova published in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science:
Niyozov Ulugbek Ravshanovich Department assistant. Since 2020 he has been working at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology. Conducts scientific research on the topic "Improvement and implementation of the technology of micropropagation of medicinal plants." Engaged in the study of medicinal properties, distribution area, biologically active substances and features of microclonal reproduction of hyacinth. Author of 3 articles and 5 theses. |
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About the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology The history of the Scientific School of Genetics began with the creation of the Department of Genetics, Selection and Darwinism. The department was founded in 1948, the first head of the department was Jalilov S.Z. The scientific team led by the scientist conducted many scientific works in the field of genetics and selection of the silkworm. The activity of this scientific school since 1965 has been continued by Professor P.K. Soldatov. A great contribution to this was made by well-known geneticists, including V. V. Khokhlova, an employee of the newly created Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk. Contacts with other geneticists and advanced training courses at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences contributed to the formation of a scientific team of genetics at Samarkand State University, a cytogenetic direction and research on radiation mutagenesis of grapes began to be carried out. At the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Darwinism of SamSU, under the leadership of P.K. Soldatov, scientists, including Z.V. Makhmudova, A.A. Azizov, Yu.V. Voinov, V.B. Epshtein, A. K. Aleksanyan, R. S. Gaibullaeva, N. I. Davidenko, conducted research and defended dissertations. They carried out scientific research in the field of studying the mutagenic action of anthropogenic factors that pollute the environment, including pesticides. The main direction of the scientific research being carried out at that time was to create the scientific foundations for the problems of mutational and modification variability, and the results of the scientific work carried out in this regard were reflected in defended dissertations. |
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In the 80s and 90s of the last century, the department intensively carried out scientific research in the field of genetic monitoring and environmental protection with the participation of S.V.Kan, F.Ismailov, I.Davronov and others. In 1983-1986, under the guidance of Professor P.K. Soldatov, the scientific team, together with the Institute of Experimental Metrology, carried out scientific work on the topic “Study of the mutagenic effect of pesticides and mineral fertilizers used in cotton growing” under the auspices of the economic agreement. Academic disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's degree • Cell biology • Genetics • Biotechnology • Bioinformatics • Fundamentals of genomics • Introduction to Biotechnology |
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• Agrobiotechnology • Nanobiotechnologies - Medical Biotechnology - BJJ -Btu -Gene and cell engineering -Engineering of proteins and enzymes - Biostatistics - Evolutionary theory - Industrial biotechnology - Basics of cytology and genetics - Microbial biotechnology |
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Master's degree - Fundamentals of biospecificity - Immunobiotechnology -Molecular biotechnology -Bioinformatics and genomics and fundamentals - Nanobiotechnology - Fundamentals of modern genetics -Heredity and variability -Evolutionary genetics -Biotechnology for the production of biologically active and medicinal substances -Engineering of proteins and enzymes |
Photos from the life of the department