Department of Socio-Economic Geography of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Social and Economic Geography of
Samarkand State University
Usmanov Marufdzhan Rustamovich
+99890 4546408,
Marufjan Usmanov, candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor. He has been working at the Department of Economic and Social Geography at Samara State University since 1997. In 2003, he defended his PhD thesis on "Regional peculiarities of tourism development in Uzbekistan (on the example of Samarkand region)". Since 2020 he is the head of the department of socio-economic geography. At the moment he is working on his doctoral dissertation on "Geographical features and prospects of tourism development in South-West Uzbekistan". He is the author of 1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 5 manuals on the subject. More than 100 scientific articles and theses were published in the republican journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and international editions.
The main scientific direction of the scientist is the tourist potential of South-West Uzbekistan and geographical features of their use.
Staff of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography
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Kadirov Murodillo Aslamovich Candidate of Geographical Names, Associate Professor. In 1994, he defended his PhD thesis on "The formation of population settlement in Samarkand region". Murodillo Kadirov conducts scientific research in Samarkand region on distribution of population and settlements, national, social status, age, sex composition of population, natural and mechanical movement of population, labor resources, processes of urbanization and geography of cities, geography of villages , territorial types of population settlement. Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences "Turon". Author of 1 textbook, 4 monographs, 7 manuals, and about 100 scientific articles. To date, he has published 3 articles in scientific journals of the Scopus and Web of Science databases. During his career, he has published articles in 50 local scientific journals. He has participated in more than 70 international and local conferences and symposia with abstracts. Electronic addresses of scientific articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
Mukhamedov Odil Lapasovich Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2001, he has been working at Samarkand State University. In 2007, he defended his PhD thesis on "Territorial differences in the natural movement of population (on the example of Samarkand region)". Odil Mukhamedov has published 1 textbook, 2 monographs, over 50 scientific articles and abstracts. He is the author of the monograph "Rural Demography". Since 2017, he has been conducting scientific research on his doctoral dissertation on "Territorial differences in the natural movement of population (on the example of Samarkand region)". |
Zhumabaev Tashpulat Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 1968, he has been working at Samarkand State University. In 1969, he defended his PhD thesis on "Land types in landscapes belonging to Sangzor hollow and their use in agriculture". Tashpulat Zhumabaev is an active member of the Geographical Society of Uzbekistan, conducting research on natural resources of South-West Uzbekistan, covering the territories of the current Samarkand, Navoi and Bukhara regions, and directions of their use in the national economy. During his scientific activity he is the author of 2 textbooks, about 10 manuals and instructions. More than 100 scientific articles were published in national and foreign scientific journals. |
Ibragimov Lutfullo Ziyodullaevich Doctor of geographical sciences, professor. Since 2013 he has been working at Samarkand State University. In 2017 he defended his Ph.D. thesis and in 2022 his doctoral thesis. He conducts scientific activities on "Economic and geographical peculiarities of employment of the population of South-West Uzbekistan". Lutfullo Ibragimov is the author of 1 monograph, 5 methodological and 2 manuals, 2 textbooks. More than 60 works have been published in foreign scientific editions. Electronic addresses of scientific articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
About the Department of Socio-Economic Geography In 1961, the Department of Economic Geography was established at the Samarkand State University's Geography Department. F. Bakhriyev worked as the head of the department during the years of its establishment. Since 1961, the department was headed by Associate Professor Sergei Fedorovich, a scientist of the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics. During this period, a group of young scientists, consisting of representatives of local nationality who worked at the Geography Department, was sent to the graduate school of Moscow State University. Among them were M. Khalimov, M. Umarov, and other young teachers. They were considered young scientists and defended their PhD theses in time. In 1975-1981 G. Ashurov worked as the head of the department. In those years, the department underwent great changes, along with educational work, in terms of scientific research. In 2000, N. Mamatkulov was elected as the head of the department and worked effectively in this position until 2009. During this period, the scientific potential of the department increased even more. |
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In the first years of independence of our republic professors and teachers of the department have established ties with foreign countries for the purpose of studying the achievements of world science. In particular, under the Tempus program of the European Union "Tacis" conducted research on the regulation of urbanization, urban planning problems, had time to visit on scientific trips to European countries. Associate Professor M. Usmanov, who was the head of the department in 2011-2015, made incomparable efforts to strengthen the department's foreign relations. During these years, efforts were made to establish good scientific ties with foreign institutions of higher education. In particular, talented young people were sent to countries such as Romania, the Czech Republic, and Latvia for doctoral studies and internships. In particular, in 2014-2017, Associate Professor L.Z.Ibragimov conducted scientific research in the field of "Economic and Social Geography" at the Romanian University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza within the framework of the SILKROUTE project of the EU Erasmus Mundus program and successfully defended his PhD thesis in 2017. Also on the basis of this grant program in 2014-2015, Associate Professor M.R. Usmanov actively participated and conducted research at the Romanian Alexander Ioan Cuza University. In 2015, the department assistant Z. Razikova took part in the grant project "Erasmus Mundus CASIA" of the European Union, was a research intern at the Czech Agricultural University, and since 2016 was accepted to doctoral studies and conducts research. The department has an effective collaboration with MSU. As a foreign lecturer, MSU associate professor M.D. Goryachko gives lectures and practical classes to Russian groups in the department and collaborates in scientific work. |
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To date, the department has established scientific cooperation with scientists from many universities of our republic. |
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Academic disciplines of the program taught at the department Master's degree |
Photos from the life of the department