Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of
Samarkand State University
Tukhtaev Davlat Bobomurodovich
Davlat Tukhtaev is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemical sciences, associate professor. Since 2012 he has been working in different positions at the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry at Samarkand State University. Since 2022 he is heading the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of Samarkand State University. In 2021 he defended his PhD thesis in chemistry "Synthesis of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds based on amino acids and homoveratrilamine". He conducts scientific research on the design and synthesis of nitrogenous heterocycles with different biological activities. He published about 10 articles in the national scientific journals. He is also the author of 1 textbook. Published 4 articles in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science.
Articles by Davlat Tukhtayev published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science:
Staff of the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry
Bozorov Khurshed Abdullaevich Doctor of chemical sciences, professor. In 2011 he defended his PhD thesis on "5,6-Dialmashgan-2,3-polimetilen-3,4-digidrotiono[2,3-d]pirimidin-4-onlarning elektrofil almashinish va kondensatsiya reaksiyalari". In 2019, he received an international grant from the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to conduct research on "Bioactive purines and their analogs." In 2021, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Synthesis, modification and biological activity of new annealed pyrimidines". He is engaged in scientific research in the direction of design and synthesis of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen pyrimidines, various bioactive heterocycles and small natural compounds. Throughout his scientific career, Khurshed Bozorov has published articles in prestigious scientific journals around the world. In particular, to date, about 30 articles have been published in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. He is the author of 10 international patents. He has also published articles in 15 local scientific journals. He has participated in more than 70 international and local conferences and symposia with abstracts. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
Turaeva Dilbar Akmalovna Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor. Reactions of N-oxides of pyridine bases with metal-ketylamine and dianions of aromatic ketones" Since 1973 he has been working as laboratory assistant, research trainee, assistant, senior teacher and assistant professor at the department of organic chemistry. Samarkand State University. During her research activities she is the author of many educational and methodological developments and has published articles in leading foreign scientific journals. In particular, she published 7 articles in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The main scientific interests are dehydrogenation of aromatic compounds by pyridine N-oxides, anion-radical and dianionic aromatic and aliphatic substitution (SAR-reactions), analog reduction-substitution, reduction-dehydrodimerization, anion-radical combination and anion-radical disproportionation. The reactions of aromatic reduction, radical-nucleophilic substitution, and anion-radical condensation were studied. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
Zohidov Kosim Okilovich Kosim Zohidov, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor. In 1994 he defended his PhD thesis on "2-Okso-, tiokso-, selenokso-, aminopirimidinon-4 lar sintezi va ularning polidentli anionlarining alkillanishi". Since 2010 he has been working in different positions at the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of Samarkand State University. He conducts research in the direction of synthesis and chemical transformations of pyrimidine and its condensed analogs. The scientist is the author of 1 monograph and 4 textbooks. The scientist also published many scientific articles and participated with his scientific developments in international and republican scientific-practical conferences. Published 1 article in scientific journals indexed in the databases Scopus and Web of Science . URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
Baratov Norzhigit Umirovich Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1992 he defended his PhD thesis on "Synthesis of physiological active compounds of isoquinoline series". Since 2019 he has been working as an assistant professor at the department of organic synthesis and bioorganic chemistry at Samarkand State University. The main scientific direction of the scientist is the study of the synthesis, modification and biological activity of low molecular weight isoquinoline alkaloids. Norjigit Baratov is the author of about 20 scientific and scientific-methodological developments during his career. 2 articles were published in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
Ibrohim Erol Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of polymer chemistry, professor. He has been working at the Department of Polymer Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Samarkand State University since 2022. In 2002 Ibrohim Erol obtained the degree of Doctor of Chemistry (DSc) on "Synthesis and characterization of mesityl rings of trisubstituted cyclobutane ketoethyl with 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, 1,3,3-methacrylate monomers and polymers". 84 research articles by Ibrohim Erol have been published in journals included in the Web of Science database. The Hirsch index value is 18. More than 80 papers have been published in the Scopus database. He participated in national and international symposia and conferences with more than 30 articles. To date, Ibrahim Erol has implemented 24 research projects. He is the author of 14 textbooks and manuals. |
Nasrullayev Azizbek Ozodovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemical sciences, Associate Professor. In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis on "2,3-tri, -tetrametilen-3,4-digidroxinazolin-4-tionlarning kimyoviy oʻzgarishlari". Since 2020 he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of Samarkand State University. The main scientific direction of the scientist is devoted to the study of synthesis, modification and biological activity of quinazolintions. Azizbek Nasrullaev published 3 manuals during his career. He has published 4 articles in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science, and about 10 articles in national scientific journals. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
Yusupov Alisher Berdiyorovich Ph.D. in chemistry, assistant. In 2022 he defended his PhD thesis on "Synthesis of amides of some N(O,S)-containing heterocyclic mono- and dicarboxylic acids". Since 2021 he has been working at the department of organic synthesis and bioorganic chemistry at Samarkand state university. The main scientific direction of the scientist is "Study of synthesis and bioactivity of heterocyclic amides, nitrogenous heterocycles". Alisher Yusupov is the author of 2 textbooks during his career. About 1 his articles were published in international databases Scopus and Web of Science, about 10 articles in national scientific journals. He participated in international and republican scientific-practical conferences, having defended more than 25 theses. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
Khudaynazarov Jakhongir Ortikovich
Assistant of the Department. Since 2019 has been working as an assistant at the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry at Samarkand State University. The main scientific direction is the synthesis and technology of biodehydrating materials, water treatment sorbents. Jahongir Hudaynazarov published more than 10 articles in international and national scientific journals during his career. In particular, 2 articles were published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science. He participated in international and national scientific conferences with more than 15 abstracts. URLs of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
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About the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry
In 1933, the Department of Chemistry was established. Two years later, the Institute of Chemical Research began operating under the faculty. The laboratories of the Institute conducted research in 4 important departments of chemistry: organic, analytical, physical, and colloid chemistry. Scientific research in organic chemistry was started in the 1920s by Professor L.N. Parfent'ev. In the period of 1933-1941, the properties of some organophosphorus compounds (L.N. Parfent'ev, M.H. Shodiev, A.A. Shamshurin), organic sodium compounds (S.P. Lagerev, A.N. Binom), olefins (K.M. Shodmonov) and their derivatives (A.A. Shamshurin, R.A. Ibodulin) were studied. Scientific research of plant resources of Zeravshan valley occupies a very important place. M.M. Abramov and S.M. Strepkov made a great contribution to the development of research in the field of plant chemistry. Later, Prof. G.V. Lazurevskii and Academician O.S. Sadikov were the first to initiate studies of plant alkaloids in the Central Asian republics. |
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Prof. Y.V. Kurbatov, a student of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.S. Sodikov, whose merits are incomparable, contributed to the prosperity of the chair of organic chemistry. Under his leadership assistant E.V. Sukervanik, associate professor Sh.V. Abdullaev, A.S. Kurbanova, associate professor F.M. Saidova, associate professor E.O. Oripov, associate professor S. Bazhenova, M.A. Solikhova, associate professor Sattiklov A, Associate Professor D.A. Turaeva, Associate Professor M.J. Alimova, Assistant Professor S.M. Babayonova, Assistant Professor K.O. Zohidov and Senior Laboratory Assistant S.N. Kasimov conducted scientific research on the synthesis of bioactive heterostatic compounds and their modification. Pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, pyrimidine, chonosolines, and flavonoids made a great step forward in chemistry. The department has defended one doctoral dissertation and more than 10 Ph. Pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, pyrimidine, chonosolines, and flavonoids have made great strides forward in chemistry. One doctoral dissertation and more than 10 Ph.D. theses were defended in the department. After Prof. Yu.V. Kurbatov, the department was headed by docent D.A. Turaeva. D.A. Turaeva was the head of the department. After that the chair was headed by such scientists as associate professor M.Y. Alimova, associate professor Z.U. Samarov, S.U. Tillaev, and now the head of the chair is associate professor D.B. Tukhtayev. The Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry functioned for several years as part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and then as the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry within the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry. Since September 2018, it operated as the Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, and since 2019 as the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry. |
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The Department trains bachelors in "5140500-Chemistry", "5320400-Chemical Engineering" and "5320100-Material Science and Chemistry of New Materials", masters in "7053010101-Chemistry". The Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry employs 13 teachers, including 3 doctors of sciences, professors, 9 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 1 assistant professor. Today the scientific potential of the department is 93%. Until 2020 the department carried out scientific work on the theme "Synthesis of biologically active substances with a heterocycle containing two heteroatoms" on the fundamental grant. Currently, the process of creating a scientific laboratory called "Chemistry of natural compounds" is underway. On the initiative of Prof. R.I. Khalmuradov, Rector of Samarkand State University, Prof. H.A. Bozorov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, was appointed as Head of the scientific laboratory. |
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Professor and teaching staff of the department established relationships with the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances named after S.Yunusov AN RU, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after O.S. Sodikov, Chinese Academy of Sciences, more than 10 higher educational institutions and research centers of Turkey and other foreign universities. Educational disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's Degree - Organic Chemistry - Structural theory of organic compounds - Selected chapters in organic chemistry - Bioorganic chemistry - Chemistry of bioactive compounds - Chemistry of biomedical materials - Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds - Problem solving in organic chemistry - General secondary education textbook content |
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Master's Degree - Synthesis and properties of multicyclic nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. - Chemistry of organic materials - Medicinal Chemistry - Structure and reactivity of organic compounds - Organic synthesis - Chromatographic and spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry |
Photos from the department's activities