Head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of
Samarkand State University


         Sanakulov Akmal Lapasovich            

     +99890 102 28 75  sanakulov1975@gmail.com  


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc), Professor. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 2018. From 2024, he will be the Head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology at Samarkand State University.

In 2017, Sanakulov Akmal Lapasovich obtained the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc) on the topic "The Microelement Composition of the Soils in the Zarafshan Valley and the Effectiveness of Microfertilizers in Cotton Cultivation." Throughout his career, he has authored 1 textbook, 5 educational manuals, more than 15 educational-methodical guides, 1 monograph, and over 170 scientific articles. His scientific articles have been published in SCOPUS-indexed journals and other international journals.

He was the lead scientist of the project "Effect of Green Fertilizers on Soil Fertility, Cotton Yield, and Fiber Quality Indicators in the Conditions of Samarkand Region," planned for 2011-2014 under the project code QXA-9-073.

He has been the leader of the business contract on the topic "Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Varieties and the Impact of Bioactive Substances on Their Yield," for 2023-2024 (Contract No. 103).

He is also the leader of the business contract on the topic "The Effect of Nitrogen Norms on the Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Triticale Varieties," planned for 2024-2025 (Contract No. 129).

  1. Sanakulov A. and others. Effect of Sowing Term on the Photosynthetic Activity and Yield of Autumn Wheat Varieties // Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2021, Pages. 5099-5112
  2. Sanakulov A. and others. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.): stem thickness, fertilizers and bioenergetic efficiency // Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) ISSN: 1671-5497 E-Publication Online Open Access Vol: 41 Issue: 11-2022 DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/N4VSD
  3. Sanakulov A. and others. Amount of pigments in the leaves of Bean Rovot variety // Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences ISSN NO:2771-8840 https://zienjournals.com. 24-07-2023. –P.20-22.


Staff of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology

Khadzhaev Dzhurakul Khadzhaevich


Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. He has been working at the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of SamSU since 1963. In 1968 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The influence of microelements on the cold resistance of cotton”, and in 1985 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Physiological foundations of the influence of microelements on cold, drought, heat resistance and cotton yield”.

For his career, Dzhurakul Khadzhaev is the author of 1 monograph, 14 teaching aids, 1 textbook and more than 250 scientific articles. To date, the scientist has published articles in 3 databases Scopus and Web of Science.




Kabulova Flora Jabbarovna


Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. He has been working at the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of SamSU since 1983. In 1981 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Form diversity and some biological features of sea buckthorn in the Zarafshan river valley".
F. Kabulova is the author of 2 monographs, 4 educational, 4 practical and more than 20 methodological manuals. She has also published articles in 10 prestigious international scientific journals. A total of 160 papers have been published.
During her career, she participated in the implementation of more than 10 international and republican grants.


Zhuraeva Zukhra Dzhurakulovna.


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. She has been working at the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of SamSU since 1993. In 2002, she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Biotechnological foundations for the cultivation of buckwheat on lands near the Zeravshan Valley." In 2006 she received the title of Associate Professor and is currently working as an Associate Professor of this department.

Zukhra Juraeva is the author of 85 republican and foreign scientific publications, 3 educational and 8 methodical manuals. He has also published articles in 2 Scopus databases.



Keldiyorova Khurshida Khudoyorovna


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2001 he has been working at the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of SamSU. In 2004 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Influence of sowing dates on winter hardiness and yield of winter wheat in the Zeravshan Valley." In 2008 she received the title of Associate Professor and is currently working as an Associate Professor of this department.

For her career, Khurshida Keldiyorova is the author of 80 republican and foreign scientific publications, 4 educational and 8 methodological manuals. He has also published articles in 3 Scopus journals.


Atayeva Shokhira​  

atayeva  shoxira@gmail.com

Department assistant. He has been working at the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of SamSU since 1975.

During her career, Shohira Atayeva is the author of 3 educational and 8 methodological manuals. The scientist also published articles in 2 journals Scopus and Web of Science. He has published more than 50 scientific papers in about 10 foreign journals.


About the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology


The Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of Samarkand State University was established in 1929-1937 under the name of the Department of Plant Physiology as part of the Higher Pedagogical Institute (1927-1930), the Higher Pedagogical Academy (1930-1933), Uzbek State University. In 1944, when the UzDU was restored, it functioned as the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology. In 1977-1987, it was merged with the Department of Plant Systematics and became known as the Department of Plant Systematics and Physiology. In 1987-2005, he was again given the name of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology. In 2006-2018, the Department of Botany and Plant Physiology merged with the Department of Botany and since September 2018 has been functioning under the name of Plant Physiology and Microbiology.

From 1929 to the present, research work in the field of plant physiology has been carried out at Samarkand State University. In the early years (1929-1341), the heads of the department prof. Tikhomirov, prof. A. Fashievsky and Associate Professor P. Marsakova focused on the training of highly educated physiologists. The first graduates of this department in 1936 were 8 people: N. Ataullaev, N. Gafarov, B. Abaeva, Raskevich, S. Danilova, Frolova, P. Deinenko, and U. Sultanov. They continued their scientific work in various institutes. Among them, Professor N. Ataullaev and Associate Professor B. Gafarov worked tirelessly in the field of scientific activity and education at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute until the end of their lives.

To date, the department has 2 doctors of science, a professor, 2 doctors of science and 4 candidates of science, associate professors, 2 candidates of science, associate professor and 2 teaching assistants.

The staff of the department cooperate and conduct scientific research with scientists from such universities as NUUz, GulSU, BukhSU, AnSU, FarSU, KarSU, TerSU of Navoi and Jizzakh universities and similar departments of other universities of the republic, the Institute of Botany at UzFA, the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Plant Biology, the Institute of Microbiology , Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. Academician S. Yunusov, Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking. Academician M.Mirzaev and Research Institute of Agrotechnologies of Selection, Sowing and Growing of Cotton, Samarkand Scientific Experimental Station, Research Institute of Vegetable Growing and Potato, Samarkand Experimental Station, Zarafshan National Natural Park.

Also, members of the department cooperate with scientists and specialists from the Agricultural University of Iceland, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding of the Russian Federation, the Bashkir State University, the State University of Utah of the United States of America, the University of Szeged in Hungary), the Institute of Ecology and Botany of Hungary, the University of Nevada United States of America, the University of Bologna in Italy, the Universities of Berlin and Humboldt in Germany and other foreign universities.
Currently, professor of the Bashkir State University Ishmuratova Maya Munirovna, professor of the University of Barcelona Araus Ortega, professor of the University of Szeged in Hungary Ferenc Lantos work at the department.

Since 2018, the student scientific circle “Plant Physiology” has been operating at the department. Talented students of the department participate in various republican competitions. Among the graduates of the department, there are holders of presidential scholarships, outstanding figures and winners of national-scale Olympiads.

To date, the teachers of the department have created more than 60 textbooks, manuals, teaching aids and instructions. He also published more than 10 monographs, about 20 recommendations, about 10 copyright certificates and more than 1000 scientific articles.


Today, the department conducts scientific research on the topic "Physiological and biochemical properties of pasture plants grown and introduced in the conditions of the Samarkand region (2021-2025)".

In recent years, more than 1,000 highly educated physiologists have been trained. 70 candidates of sciences, 14 doctors of sciences - professors have been trained.

Famous scientists who graduated from the department:

Academician Zh. K. Saidov (1914-1994) - Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan.

Professor N.A. Ataullaev (1916-1981) - Professor of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

Professor B.Kh. Gafarov (1919-1984) - Professor of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

   Associate Professor S.S. Abaeva (1916-2008) - One of the organizers of Samarkand State University, head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, one of the founders of the School of Plant Physiology in Uzbekistan.

Academic disciplines taught at the department
Bachelor's degree
• Microbiology and virology
• General microbiology
• Plant physiology
• Physiological processes of plants
• Ecophysiology of plants
• Methods of teaching general biology (grades 10-11)
• Phytohormones
• Research methods of plant physiology
• Cultivation of cultivated plants
• Soil science and crop production
Master's degree
• Plant resistance to stress factors
• Biologically active substances of plants
• Physiology and biochemistry of cotton
• Physiology and biochemistry of wheat
• Physiology of photosynthesis and plant respiration
• Physiology of mineral nutrition of plants
• Biophysiological bases of growth and development of plants

Photos from the life of the department