Head of the Uzbek Language and Literature Department of
Samarkand State University
Mirzaev Ibodulla Kamolovich

+998911915272   Ibodullamirzayev@samdu.uz

Ibodulla Mirzaev, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Since 1969, he has worked in various positions at Samarkand State University. In 1975, he defended his PhD thesis on "Problems of Transferring Words Denoting Realities of French Life into Uzbek Language", and in 1992, he defended his doctoral thesis on "Problems of Linguistic and Poetic Interpretation of Poetic Text (on the Material of Modern Uzbek Poetry)".

During his career Ibodulla Mirzaev published 14 monographs, 5 textbooks, 12 tutorials, (including translated works) more than 10 programs and methodological aids, over 600 scientific articles, including Scopus, Web of Science and author of such textbooks as "Uzbek Language", "French Grammar (Morphology)", "Analytical Reading", published scientific articles in other prestigious international magazines. He has published a monograph "Study of Alisher Navoi's Life and Creation in Russia" and the text of his lectures "Modern Trends in Linguistics". Ibodulla Mirzaev has translated into French more than 40 articles by famous Russian and foreign writers and linguists.

In 1997-2018, through the efforts of the scholar and executive editor, 13 volumes of the collection of scientific articles "Philology" were published. The international electronic journals "Language.Education.Translation" and "Alisher Navoi" are currently in operation under the leadership of Ibodulla Mirzoev. Both journals are recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission.

Professor Ibodulla Mirzoev was the first in Central Asia to create a research area "Linguopoetics" and an innovative educational method "Analytical Reading".

Staff of the Uzbek Language and Literature Department

Suvanova Zhumagul Rashidovna
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. She has been working at the Faculty of Philology at SamSU since 1996. In 2000 she defended her PhD thesis on "Artistic research in modern Uzbek poetry" (on the example of the work of Usman Azim).
Zhumagul Suvanova has published 1 monograph, 1 collection of popular science booklets, 1 textbook and 1 manual. More than 20 her articles are published in foreign and republican journals, collections of international conferences and congresses. More than 200 journalistic articles, 18 literary-artistic, poetry and prose collections were published.

Mukhitdinova Badea Muslikhiddinovna


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2001 she has been working at the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at SamSU.

In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis on "The Legacy of Saidakhmad Vasliy Samarkandi and his place in the literary milieu". During her career she has published 2 monographs in foreign and national journals, 1 scientific treatise, 1 textbook and 4 manuals, 1 Scopus and over 100 scientific articles.


Narzieva Mamura Norpulatovna


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. Since 2018 she has been working at the Department of Uzbek language and literature at SamSU. In 2022 she received her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in philological sciences on "Literary and poetic study of artistic image and landscape creativity (on the example of Abdullah Oripov's poetry)".

During her career Mamura Narzieva is the author of 1 textbook and 2 methodological manuals. About 20 articles of the teacher have been published in foreign and republican journals.

Kodirova Barno Ibragimovna


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor. Since 2018 she has been working at the Department of Uzbek language and literature at SamSU. In 2021 she defended her PhD thesis on "Comparative typological analysis of Uzbek and Kazakh linguistic terms (on the materials of Uzbek and Kazakh school textbooks)".

During her career she has published 1 textbook, 1 textbook, 1 monograph, 1 dictionary, 1 textbook and more than 50 articles. She has also published 2 articles in international journals Scopus and Web of Science.





Ubaydullaeva Maftuna Azamatovna


Candidate of Philological Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department. Since 2018 she has been working at the Department of Uzbek language and literature at SamSU. In 2021 she defended her PhD thesis on "Comparative typological analysis of Uzbek and Kyrgyz literary terms (on the example of school textbooks)".

During her career Maftuna Ubaidullaeva published scientific articles in more than 30 foreign and republican journals. She has also published 3 articles in reputable international journals. She is the author of 3 manuals, one dictionary and one monograph.

Ernazarova Iroda Shavkat qizi


Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology, Samarkand State University (SamDU). She has been working in this position since 2018. In 2022, she successfully completed her doctoral studies and defended her PhD dissertation in philological sciences on the topic: "Linguistic and Cognitive Analysis of Authorial Word Creativity (Based on the Works of Eshqobil Shukur)."

Throughout her career, Ernazarova Iroda has published over 30 scientific articles in international and national journals. To date, she has one article published in an international journal indexed in the Scopus database. She is also the author of one methodological manual and holds an authorship certificate as well as an intellectual property certificate from the Ministry of Justice.

Raxmatova Dilfuza Axmedovna


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology. Since 2024, she has been working at the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature. She defended her dissertation on the topic "The Role of Vohid Abdullayev's Scientific Activity in the Development of Literary Studies." More than 30 of her articles have been published in international and national journals.

Mavlonov Akhmadzhon Khoshimovich


Assistant to the Department. Since 2019 has been working at the department of Uzbek language and literature of Samarkand State University. He conducts scientific research on "Structural and content analysis of terms used in Alisher Navoi's epic "Saddi Iskandariy".

For his activity Ahmajon Mavlonov published scientific articles in 1 foreign and 2 republican Higher Attestation Commission journals, in 1 republican conference.


Khasanov Akhmad Isayevich


Assistant of the Department. Since 2020 has been working at the department of Uzbek language and literature of Samarkand State University. He conducts scientific research on the topic "Structural and content analysis of terms in Sadriddin Aini's story "Death of a moneylender" (PhD). During his career he published scientific articles in 3 foreign and 4 national journals.

About the Uzbek Language and Literature Department

The Department of Uzbek Language, established in 1990 in connection with the assignment of Uzbek language status as the state language as the successor to the Department of "General Linguistics", during the past period was called "Interfaculty Uzbek Language", "Interfaculty Uzbek Language and Literature", "Applied Linguistics", "Methodology of Teaching Uzbek Language and Literature". In 2021 the department was renamed to "Uzbek Language and Literature".

Professors Berdiyorov H., Donerov H., Rajabov N., Turniezov N., Orinboev B., Nusharov M., associate professors Abdusaidov A., Yuldoshev M., Makhmatmurodov S., Abdiev M., Khodjieva R, J. Kholikulov, S. Tursunov, A. Asrorov, R. Suvanova, J. Suvanova, N. Shoimova, M. Rakhmonova, Bobokhodjaev, M. Boltaev, G. Khamroev, A. Sobirov, Sh. Temirov, teachers Samadova V, Rakhmatova E., Mirzaeva S., Ganieva G., Kenjaev O., Meliev K., Rustamova Y., Eshnazarova R., Ernazarov N., Ochilov M., Soriev S., Gulomova M. , Sh. Ohunova, E. Kulakhmedov, A. Tursunov, N. Ubaidullaev and others.


The department was headed by Prof. N. Rajabov in 1990-1996, Prof. I. Mirzaev from 1996 to 2012, docent B. Mukhitdinova from 2012 to 2015. In May 2015, three departments of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology were united and headed by Prof. D. Salokhiy. In 2017, the departments were divided and formed as the Department of Teaching Methodology of Uzbek Language and Literature, which is still headed by Prof. I. Mirzaev. Since 2021, the name of this department has operated as the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature.

At first, the department offered classes in Uzbek language in Russian and Tajik groups. Gradually, the number of subjects increased. At present the following subjects are taught to Uzbek groups: "Uzbek language", "New Uzbek alphabet and orthography based on Latin alphabet", "Business language, documentation and terminology", "Culture of speech for teachers", "Uzbek literature", "Terminology". and fundamentals of the state language", "Teaching methodology of Uzbek language and literature", "Philological analysis of text", "The essence of Ferdinand de Sossur's linguistic education", "Topical problems of native language education", "Topical problems of literary education", "Main directions and education of classical literature", "Madrasah education", "Use of Uzbek language in sphere", "Analytical reading".

The department has published 13 collections of scientific articles titled "Questions of Uzbek Philology", "Philology", "Questions of Linguistic Poetics". Since 1997, collections of scientific articles "Problems of Language and Literature" and "Onomastics" have been published. Also 3 international and 3 republican scientific-theoretical conferences are held.

In 2006 were published electronic textbook of Prof. I. Mirzaev and docent M. Boltaev "Uzbaek". M. Boltaev "Uzbek language" and electronic textbook of prof. M. Boltaev "Uzbek alphabet and orthography based on Latin alphabet" was published.

In 2012, by order of the Rector of the Samarkand State University, Professor U.N. Tashkenbaev was established laboratory "Scientific translation" under the guidance of Prof. I. Mirzaev.

The works of academicians E. Bertels, E. Lotman, L. Scherba, Professors Baudouin de Courtenay, V. Kudryavtsev, A. Bogoroditsky, S. Karsevsky, S. Ivanov, V. Gak, I. Kovtunova, L. Zubova, J. Lyonts, L. Blofield, and N. Nekrasov were translated into Uzbek by Professor I. Mirzayev. The works of K. Batiushkov, A. Pushkin, Y. Lermontov, A. Blok, N. Nekrasov, S. Esenin, poems by A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Gumilev, V. Vysotsky, A. Voznesensky, Maupassant, A. Camus, Charles Baudelaire, Apollinaire, A. Dotel, Edgar Poe, etc. Colleagues of Prof. I. Asror Narzikulov, Nematulla Elmurodov, Salokhiddin Ismoilov, Mukhtor Begmatov (SamGIJ), Abdurakhmon Nurmukhammedov, Odiljon Rakhmonov and students Mardon Boltaev, Badia Mukhiddinova, Erkin Gulakhmedov, Rohila Ruzmonova, Nodira Isakov, Sayora Togaeva, Gofir Khamroev, Normukhammad Ubaidullaev, Sherali Temirov (SamGU), Nafisa Kosimova, Dilafruz Khojaeva (BukhSU), Wazira Nafasova (KarsU), Gavharoi Tuhlieva (TashGPU), Fazilat Kodirova (TashGRDI) together translated textbooks, extracts from them, monographs and scientific articles.

Since 2012 at the department works scientific circle "Pedagogical excellence. More than twenty scientific reports of students are heard and discussed at the meetings of the group. The best of them are recommended for publication in collections of articles or prestigious journals.

Members of the Department established scientific ties with similar departments of other higher educational institutions of the republic, as well as with foreign specialists from Oxford University in England, Harvard University in the USA, Berlin University and Humboldt University in Germany, Vienna University (Austria), Lomonosov Moscow State University. Professor Alexander Kadyrbaev of Moscow State University worked in the department.

At present 1 doctor of sciences, professor, 2 candidates of sciences associate professor, 1 candidate of sciences associate professor, 3 PhD and 2 lecturers work in the chair. Research work on the theme "Actual issues of education of Uzbek language and literature" is conducted in the department. In sessions of scientific and methodical seminar "Word", organized at chair, the reports not only scientists of chair, but also leading scientists of other high schools on actual themes are discussed. Under the guidance of Professor I.K. Mirzaev more than 10 PhD theses are defended. At the department trained more than 20 candidates and doctors of science.

The international scientific journals "Language, Education, Translation" and "Alisher Navoi" were founded in 2019 on the initiative of Prof. I. Mirzaev in 2020, which are included in the list of scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The department signed a contract of cooperation for 5 years with the Eurasian Institute of Turkology in higher education and research. In addition, signed agreements in the field of research with higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Minsk.

Teachers of the department have published 12 textbooks, teaching aids, texts of lectures, educational and methodical manuals and collections, more than 20 monographs, 13 scientific collections, about 1000 scientific articles.

Educational disciplines taught at the department

Bachelor's Degree

  • Spelling problems
  • Analytical reading
  • Use of the Uzbek language in the sphere of
  • Uzbek language
  • Theory and Techniques of Editing
  • Digital pagination
  • Teaching methods of Uzbek language and literature
  • Expressive reading and culture of speech
  • Innovative information and pedagogical technologies in education
  • Content of native language and literature textbooks (on the example of general education textbooks)
  • Methods of creative work (an elective course)
  • Conducting business in the state language (elective course)
  • Basics of pronunciation and spelling (elective subject)
  • Writing and writing techniques (elective subject)
  • Methods of teaching folklore samples (elective subject)

Photos from the department's activities