Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages of
Samarkand State University
Khujakulov Sirojiddin Holmakhmatovich
Sirojiddin Khujakulov, doctor of philological sciences. He has worked at Samarkand State University since 2000 in various positions. Since 2023, he has been the head of the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages at Samarkand State University.
In 2008 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Genre and methodological characteristics of Tajik literature of the national revival period", and in 2022 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic "Principles of gradual improvement of lyrical genres in Tajik literature in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries (Tradition and innovation)".
More than 50 scientific works of the scientist were published in different foreign and national editions. He is the author of 2 monographs and 4 textbooks. Published about 50 articles, 8 scientific reports and lecture notes.
Staff of the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages
Sadiev Sadri Sadri Sadiev, a famous literary scholar, Doctor of Philological Sciences. In 1971, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the works of the famous 12th century poet and humorist Sayuzan Samarkandi on "Sayuzan and the literary environment of Samarkand in the 12th century". He is the author of the book "Tajik Literature of the 17th Century". In 1990 he defended a doctoral dissertation on "The Main Trends of Development of Tajik Literature of the XVII Century" on the basis of his research and studies on Tajik literature of the XVII century. Books "Tajik Literature" and "The Form and Content of a Literary Work" by Sadri Sadiev are also used as basic textbooks in the subject of "Theory of Literature" in higher education institutions. Currently, the scholar is conducting scientific research on "Tajik Literature in Samarqand". He is the author of eight monographs and separate books, as well as about 100 scientific and popular science articles. |
Juma Khamroev Juma Khamroev, doctor of philological sciences, professor. He has worked in various positions at Samarkand State University since 1970. The main topic of the scholar's research is devoted to Persian-Tajik literary criticism and stages of its development, in particular, criticism of Tajik prose and poetry of the new era. In 1990, he defended his PhD thesis on "Tajik Prose of the 1960s and 1970s," and his doctoral dissertation on "The History of Tajik Literary Criticism in the 1960s and 1980s (Criticism of Personality, Criticism of Prose and Poetry)". Juma Khamroev is the author of more than 200 scientific, methodological and popular scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and manuals. He has also published research works such as "History of Tajik Literary Studies", "Asrori naqd", "Naqdi sheʼr", "Naqdi nasri badeii tojiki", Taʼrixi adabiyoti navini tojik", "Asrori sheʼri shoir", "Nazariyai adabiyot". |
Shernazarov Akmal Andiyokulovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor. In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis on "Bilingualism and Literary Influence in Kashkadarya Tajik Rite Folklore". At present, he is conducting scientific work on "Genesis of bilingual folklore of Uzbekistan, typology of genres and poetic local features (on the example of Uzbek and Tajik folklore)". The present study is dedicated to the issues of genesis, typology of genres and local peculiarities of poetic samples, created and orally performed by the Tajiks in Uzbek and Uzbeks in Tajik, based on bilingual tradition (zullisainlik) of Uzbek and Tajik languages. Akmal Shernazarov is the author of 1 textbook, 2 study guides, 1 research paper, and over 40 scientific and scholarly articles. 5 of them were published in prestigious foreign scientific journals. |
Adashulloeva Gulnoza Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. In 2018 she defended her PhD thesis in philological sciences on "Comparative-typological analysis of phraseological expressions of personal characteristics in the Tajik and Uzbek languages". During his career he has published more than 60 scientific works. He is the author of 2 scientific treatises, 48 scientific-methodical articles, 3 textbooks and 3 textbooks. |
Majidova Sabokhat Jamilovna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. In 2019 she defended her PhD thesis on philological sciences on "Methods of interpretation of lexical and figurative meanings of symbolic terms in Jami ghazals". Sabohat Majidova is the author of 3 monographs, 2 textbooks, 4 teaching aids. More than 50 scientific and popular science articles have been published in national and foreign publications. Currently Sabohat Majidova is carrying out a scientific research on "Linguo-poetic study of the concept "man" in the ghazals of Abdurakhman Jami and Alisher Navoi". |
Vohidov Abduvakhob Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages at Samarkand State University. He has been working at the department since 1991. He is currently working on his PhD thesis on the topic "Structural and grammatical classification of phraseological units in Samarkand dialect of Tajik languages". He has published over 50 scientific works and 3 textbooks. He is the author of textbooks and manuals for Tajik schools. More than 30 scientific articles and theses have been published in foreign scientific journals. |
Mirzaev Khayyom Tolshkulovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. Since 2016, he has been working as a teacher at the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages. In 2021 he defended his PhD thesis in philological sciences on "Saifi Bukhari and his treatise "Aruz". To date, he has published more than 60 popular science articles. He is the author of the scientific dictionary "Farkhangi mukhtasari istilahoti risolai "Aroz"-i Saifi Bukhoroi". Hayom Mirzaev in co-authorship with Professor Jumakul Khamroev created the textbook "Literature" for Tajik students of 10 classes of secondary schools. |
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Akhmedova Dilorom Ismatovna Lecturer at the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages at SamSU. She has been working at the department since 2019. In 2021 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis in philological sciences on "The role of continental genre in Tajik poetry of the tenth century". To date, has published more than 20 scientific articles in national and foreign journals. |
Shukurov Foziljon Makhmadovich In 2021 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in philological sciences on "Literary environment of Samarkand in late XIV early XV centuries and the creative legacy of the poet Bisoti". Today he is conducting a scientific research on "The Development of Literature of Movarounnahr during the Timurid Period (creative research and stylistic problem)". Foziljon Shukurov is the author of the monograph "Literary environment of Bisoti Samarkandi and Movarounnahr in the second half of XIV and early XV centuries" and the textbook "Zaboni Sharq (Arabic)". |
Nurulloeva Zarina In 2018 she defended her PhD thesis on "Peculiarities of word meanings expression in Tajik-Persian annotated dictionaries" (on the materials of "Burhoni Kote"). More than 20 scientific articles and theses have been published in republican and foreign editions within the framework of this topic. Zarina Nurilloeva conducts scientific research in the direction of historical foundations of Tajik-Persian lexicography and dictionary types. |
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Shukurova Hafiza Since 2020 works at the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages. In 2020 she conducts research on the topic "Jewel lexicon of the Samarkand-Tajik dialect". Published about 10 articles in international and national publications. |
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About the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages The department of Tajik language and literature was created as part of the university in 1956 as a result of the merger of the Maxim Gorky Pedagogical Institute and the Sadriddin Aini Pedagogical Institute with Samarkand State University. Rahim Mukimov, Rahmon Egamberdiev, Mirsafo Atoev, Samariddin Asliddinov, Sadorat Ayubzhonova, Talat Abdujabborov, Razzok Gafforov, Mardon Sharifzoda, Vose Kosimov and Lubat Nazarova began their exemplary work as the first teachers of the department. Later the ranks of chair teachers were joined by Botirhon Valihujaev, Soleh Halimov, Shavkat Shukurov, Nasriddin Sharofzoda, Rauf Marufiy, Sulton Ibrohimzoda, Abduaziz Zohidov, Ibrohim Gafurov. In 1967, this department was located at Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute, and in 1988, at Samarkand State University. After the Pedagogical Institute joined Samarkand State University, the two departments merged. |
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During the history of the department, great teachers Rahim Mukumov, Talat Abdujabbarov, Botirhon Valihujaev, Soleh Halimov, Shavkat Shukurov, Sadri Sadiev, Abdusalom Samedov, Hamrokul Berdikulov, Gayrat Rahimkulov worked as heads of the department. For many years Bakhtiyor Nasriddinzoda, Aziza Yusupova, Hussein Dalili, Gafur Makhmudov, Abdunabi Zohidov, Saidjamol Mirjafarov, Abduvakhhob Vahidov, Vafo Nazarov, Mukaddas Dadaboev have taught students different subjects of philology, namely Tajik language and literature, Persian and Arabic languages. The history of the department is associated with the names of Mirza Tursunzoda, Jalol Ikromi, Sotim Ulugzoda, Boki Rahimzoda, Foteh Niazi, Loik Sherali, Ubaid Rajab, Kudbi Kirom, Gulchehra Sulaimanova, Kamol Nasrullo, Askar Hakim, Gulrukhsar, Farzona, Yusuf Akobirov. In addition, connoisseurs of Tajik literature Abdulgani Mirzoev, Bobojon Niyozmukhammadov, Nosirjon Masumi, Rasul Khodizoda, Kholik Mirzozoda, Abdukodir Maniyozov, Aziz Sharif, A. Rosenfeld, G. Nalbandyan, A. Afsakhzod and others conduct classes on current issues in Tajik language and literature. In 2005-2010, on the initiative of Professor S. Sadiev, associate professors A. Kamarzod, A. Vohidov, J. Khamroev, A. Samadov, G. Makhmudov and others, Tajik language and literature textbooks based on the ideology of independence were created for students in Tajik schools. |
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The Department of Tajik Language and Literature has been operating under the name of the Department of Tajik Philology and Foreign Oriental Languages since 2021. At present, the head of the department is doctor of philological sciences S.H. Huzhakulov. Total at the department work 23 professors and teachers, 3 doctors of sciences, 2 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD, associate professors, 3 teachers. The department trains masters in specialties 5A120102-Linguistics (Tajik linguistics) and 5A120101-Literary studies (Tajik literature) on the basis of the bachelor degree direction 5120100 - Philology and Language Teaching (Tajik Philology). Manuals, textbooks, monographs, teaching aids created and developed by leading professors of this department are used in practice in similar educational institutions in Uzbekistan. In particular, now the learning process in profile sciences is based on scientific-theoretical literature, electronic textbooks, educational-methodical complexes created during the period of independence. At the moment, the teaching staff of the department implements 1 national research project. |
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Educational disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's Degree
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Master's Degree
Photos from the department's activities