Musharraf Yusupova, a student at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education at Samarkand State University, is conducting a study on the importance of toys for preschool children. Scientific adviser is Shokhista Danierova, senior lecturer at the Department of Preschool Education, SamSU.

    - The toy is intended for children's games, the use of which serves to expand the circle of knowledge of children. It also promotes interest in the environment, independent development, says Musharraf Yusupova. - In children who have played and not played with toys since childhood, the thinking is very different. A child in love with toys will easily find friends and get along with others.

    The organization of the upbringing of preschoolers through toys develops in children various forms of moral, mental, aesthetic, sensory, labor, and economic education. Toys lead a child to emotional maturity and provide a way to communicate, make positive memories and interact with their emotions. Children who play for hours with their toys have a healthy and happy childhood and look to the future with love. This will help to easily go through the process of their growing up, push them to a sense of the fullness of childhood. The toy is not only the hunting need of the child, but also has a huge impact on his physical and spiritual maturation, nervous activity, and the formation of thinking. Therefore, the elegance of toys made from an environmentally friendly product, with an emphasis on spiritual aspects, is of particular importance.

    At a young age, the child's ability to memorize becomes strong. What was emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime. That's why it's important to be more careful when you bring a toy to your child. Girls are encouraged to give soft toys or dolls with the image of the Uzbek nationality. Among the whole variety of toys, there are those that, instead of promoting development, lead to the destruction of the psyche and disruption of education. These include, for example, such toys as scary Cyborgs, half-naked dolls with painted faces, ugly animals with scars and beards. Bringing these toys is not recommended at all. And it is desirable to give orphans mostly toys that correspond to the characters of Uzbek folk tales and their nature. It is also worth paying attention to the color, texture of the toy. Toys of light colors will help cheer up the child, provide him with a good and restful sleep.


Bekhruz Shamsutdinov

Samarkand State University

information officer,

Photo by Shavkat Akramov.