How do successful people meet the dawn?

People who wake up on time from sleep differ from others in that they have a positive attitude, purposefulness, the ability to solve problems, and positive thinking. The desire to solve problems encourages them to boldly get up while we sleep. Wake up on time and create the 25th hour for yourself.
The most important meal of the day is breakfast in the morning. As a result of the lack of a full breakfast, the body works at the expense of a small amount of energy or is left without energy at all. What would you have liked to do, if you had been the president or coach of the Olympic Games!
The best time to review your to-do list is in the morning. Schedule your day ahead. How close have you moved towards your goal? Use this time of day to visualize the day.
An exercise
Warm up for your day! The best time to do sport exercises is in the morning. Morning exercise increases the level of endorphins in the head and contributes to a good mood. Even if you got up sour.
Doing sport exercises before starting work develops creative thinking, increases energy and productivity.
Sleep is extremely important for overall health. While the mind and body are freed from the worries of everyday life during sleep, this also affects how effectively you learn, work, think and respond. Make sure you get enough sleep to maintain your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation increases the risk of developing chronic diseases.
Be organized
Everything should have its place. Is it a necessity, or does it serve a purpose, or is it just for show?
To meet the dawn first is only one half of the feat. It motivates you to compete or even expand your opportunities.
The earlier you wake up from sleep, the calmer you will be. This is the most favorable time for tasks that require attention and carefulness.