Associate Professor of Samarkand State University Akbar Ahmedov conducts scientific research at the Vaisman Institute of Science in Israel

Associate Professor of Botany Department of Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov Akbar Akhmedov is currently conducting scientific research at the Vaisman Institute of Science.
The study is aimed at changing the vegetation cover as a result of global warming and the impact of anthropogenic factors. Natural arches of these factors (Juniperus polycarpos var. ceravshanica, Juniperus pseudosabina) and bozulbang (Lagochilus spp.) influence on plant species is being studied. To do this, it is necessary to integrate the Botanical, Geobotanical approaches into such areas as “Isotope ecology-δ13C”.
For more than 100 years, climate and population dynamics data have been analyzed using cavitation ring spectroscopy (CRDS) and the Picarro G2131i. Based on the results obtained, the materials necessary for the publication of the article in the Scopus journal are collected.
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