Is it easy to study abroad or are students themselves eager to study?

Firdavs Tursunov, a graduate of Samarkand State University, doctoral student of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, expressed his opinion on this matter.
- After successfully completing my master's degree at the Faculty of Chemistry of Samarkand State University in 2017, I became the owner of a grant for doctoral studies at the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
No wonder they say: "You will not become a Muslim until you become a foreigner." Studying abroad is not as easy as we might imagine while sitting. Living far from family, homeland, there are difficulties in obtaining knowledge.
90% of Chinese students take their studies seriously. Because it is difficult to pass exams there. If you fail the exam, no amount of "connections" will help you. You will either be left on the course, or expelled from the course ...
Students spend most of their day at the university, especially in the library, to gain more knowledge.
A large number of students do scientific work based on the information received from them by reading journals with a high impact factor in many educational institutions because they know a foreign language. Until now, I have not met young people who limited themselves to Chinese. Another good thing is that they use the internet very efficiently.
It's no secret that China is currently leading the world from R&D to manufacturing. I think that one of the most important reasons for this is that the material and technical base in their scientific laboratories is fully secured. A chemical researcher who wants to do scientific work will never have a problem with the reagents or tools needed to analyze samples in the laboratory.
One higher education institution with similar conditions is the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where I am a grantee. There I work in the direction of nanochemistry, which is one of the achievements of science of the XXI century, on the topic "Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles and study of the mechanism of formation of synthesized nanoparticles." A nanoparticle is a particle smaller than 100 nm. TiO2 is widely used in the chemical industry, in medicine for antibacterial coatings and in various sectors of the national economy. Unfortunately, due to the 2019 pandemic, all students returned to their countries from China. Including me. Nevertheless, I constantly communicate with Chinese professors on the Internet, without interrupting them, and prepare for the defense. Currently, I continue my work at the Faculty of Chemistry of SamSU. I share my experience and knowledge gained in China with students. As soon as the roads are open, I intend to go back to China or other countries and do more research...
Otabek Abdullayev,
Samarkand State University
Information officer.
Photo by Shavkat Akramov.