Uzbekistan-Tajikistan: Cooperation in the field of science continues...

As a scientist, I can say that cooperation between the two countries in the field of science, which began many years ago, but then ceased for certain reasons, is being revived today. If we look at history, then in the past period there was a personnel exchange system, when people, who studied in Uzbekistan worked in Tajikistan, and people who studied in Tajikistan worked in Uzbekistan. In particular, four graduates of Samarkand State University: Sultan Umarov, Muhammad Osimi, Akobir Adhamov, Israil Ismailov became academicians of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. History shows that Sultan Umarov and Muhammad Osimi worked as presidents of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan for many years. These processes continued in the form of scientific research by professors and teachers, mutual tourism and other forms.
However, over the quarter of a century since the 1990s, scientific ties between our countries have weakened to a certain extent. Moreover, cooperation in the field of exact sciences has completely ceased. Thanks to the political will of our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and his efforts to restore close good neighborly relations, today we are restoring these relations.
A clear confirmation of this is the 12th international conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Dushanbe branch of Moscow State University, recently held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on the topic: "Modern problems of mathematics and informatics."
Scientists from Samarkand State University were invited to this conference, and we also had the opportunity to take part in this conference. It was attended by 308 delegates from different regions of the world.
I participated in the conference with a report on the topic: "Magnetic properties of rare aluminum borates." At the beginning of my speech, I spoke about the attention devoted to scientists in our country, the care shown to them and the new opportunities created, and also touched on the goals of our university today. When I told that the past of SamSU is being reviewed on the initiative of our rector, professor, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Kholmurodov, and that our university has a 600-year history, they supported this idea and told that the ancient science of Samarkand is recognized as the center of education and spirituality .
Also during the conference, the leadership of the State Technical University of Tajikistan named after Academician Muhammad Osimi expressed interest in the Faculty of Physics of Samarkand State University and noted a great desire to cooperate with our university.
We discussed the physical aspects of oil and gas exploration with Natalya Artamonova, professor of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University, and professors of the Chinese Geological University Zhou Bichen, Hu Xiabolar. I think it was beneficial for both parties.
I was more pleased with the opinions expressed by the participants of the conference about the school of magnetism of Samarkand State University, which is the only one in Central Asia. Over the past period, this school has trained more than 20 doctors of sciences and candidates. Along with worthy participation in many international conferences, this school has held about 5 international conferences.
We are all people of the same faith and are blood relatives. Over the past period, we have gone through many difficulties together and overcame various obstacles. There were even times when we couldn't afford to see our relatives. But today we live in peace and tranquility, one day in Samarkand, one day in Dushanbe, and we live among our relatives and friends.
I think that the integration of science into the relations of cooperation between our countries in all areas will make a worthy contribution to the development of higher education in the two countries and will have its results.
Oblokul Kuvandikov,
Professor of Samarkand State University,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.