How does television advertising affect the upbringing of our children?

Information technologies cause serious changes in the way of life of mankind, educational and labor processes, family relations and the interaction of the state with civil society. The acceleration of informatization of society, along with positive aspects, dictates the need to protect children from exposure to harmful information. Particularly relevant is the protection of the younger generation from various manifestations of information attacks, the development of a culture of information consumption in children. A number of trends that have developed in the world necessitate a fundamental change in various areas of human society, ensuring the security of information systems and introducing information technologies into the educational process. The expansion of the volume of information, the technological capabilities of its storage, processing and transmission creates the prerequisites for their use in all spheres of society. This, in turn, raises the issue of ensuring the security of information systems in these industries, in particular, in the educational process. In this regard, special attention is paid to improving the technology of protecting children from the threat of harmful information, as well as protecting students from various ideological influences and ensuring information security. It's no secret that every day the number of advertisements targeted at children and teenagers is growing, especially on children's TV channels and in the media. Many countries around the world are fighting the negative impact of advertising on children and are making decisions to limit the impact of product marketing on young people. The World Health Organization's global strategy on nutrition, physical activity and health also states that the promotion of foods that are unhealthy and less healthy is discouraged. In some places, all the programs that are broadcast on television for children, we also cannot say that they are useful for raising children. At this point, we will focus on advertising that is broadcast on television. In some states, there are special codes for broadcasting television and radio channels, according to which it is impossible to distribute exaggerated advertising to children, place advertising that is misleading, deceiving children, abusing their trust due to the consumer properties of the product. More than 30 countries around the world, including Australia, Malaysia, South Korea, the Russian Federation and many countries in Europe, have national laws that impose certain restrictions on television advertising directed to children. These documents usually set limits on the time or types of programs, or on the use of specific marketing methods, in particular, cartoon characters. For example, in the UK, on children's channels or programs intended for them, it is forbidden to place advertising not intended for children, announcements of programs not intended for children between broadcasts, as well as advertising that can be ordered by mail, e-mail , telephone or via communication means. All advertising intended for children in Nigeria and Thailand must be approved by the national government agency. Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and the United Kingdom have a rule against false information in food advertising, while French law requires TV and radio food advertisements to be placed along with a message about the benefits of healthy eating. China, Denmark, Finland, Malaysia, South Korea, Romania, and the UK have regulations that encourage healthy eating and ban snack ads (potato chips, crackers, etc.) any advertisements in their TV programs aimed at children. In schools in Belgium, Vietnam, Portugal, Canada and some regions of Germany, it is also forbidden to place ads in any form. And in Finland, France, Greece and Luxembourg it is forbidden to place advertising on school grounds if it is not aimed at obtaining education. This issue is very relevant, with the development of the advertising industry, it becomes increasingly difficult to protect the children's or teenage audience from the negative and harmful effects of a particular advertisement. Because advertising does not remain without influence on children, their lifestyle, behavior, habits and tastes, views. And, of course, this should be the role of parents, and they should be a role model for children. Most importantly, it is important to help children fight the influence of advertising, at least by explaining the information placed in advertising about what is good and what is bad.
Khilola Nuriddinova,
Doctoral student of Samarkand State University.