Learning English today opens up great opportunities for young people. IT-specialists also get the opportunity to become international-level IT-specialists, as well as quickly find solutions to their problems, knowing a foreign language.

    Firstly, if you enter the world of programming with knowledge of the English language, you will be free to use resources for learning, interesting and useful sites. You easily understand the data. You will be among the first to be aware of industry news. Due to the fact that most of the information on the Internet is in English, the speed of information search is also 10 and 100 times higher than in Russian and Uzbek, respectively. IT is a very rapidly developing area where new applications are constantly being created, and at the same time, the core of all applications is English.

    Secondly, there is an opportunity to become a specialist of international level. That is, you can freely communicate with clients from anywhere in the world, work in international companies and leave a good impression with employers. Again, you can greatly improve your memory, which is important for IT professionals. According to statistics, learners of other languages ​​have several times better memory than native speakers of one language.

    Today English is the primary language of communication for more than 500 million people and the second language for another 1 billion 300 million people. Thus, by learning English, you will learn IT much more effectively and will be able to work remotely or move around the world internationally.


Sohibjamol Sunnatova,

Samarkand State University

student of the Faculty of Digital Technologies.