Big achievements, big dreams of the author of small stories...

Many people know the name of Nodirabegim Ibragimova, who entered the world of literature with her stories, managed to take a place in the hearts of readers with a number of translated works. Writer, translator, founder of the site "" author of such works as "Happiness is next to you", "Me, dad and Alzheimer", "A witch or a thousand-year life", "Tyranny and love" Nodirabegim Ibragimova is a guest of the project "Kalb va Kalam "...
-Are there any innovations in your work, what works do you intend to present to lovers of literature?
-I am currently busy with translations. With any luck, several of my translated books will be published before the end of the year. I also want to write a novel, I come up with an idea and a theme. Creative people never stop exploring. Because creativity does not like stops, silence. Reading tirelessly, the seeker finds, creates.
-Each creator will have their own pencil...
- The ink of my pen is nature. Whenever I go out into nature, I find the strength to write. The beauty of nature has always been a source of inspiration for me.
- Which Uzbek writers do you follow?
- I follow the work of such writers as Erkin Azam, Abdukayum Yoldosh, Nazar Eshankul, the girl Zulfiya Kurolboy. Under the influence of the story "Poincaré" by my teacher Abdukayum Yuldoshev, I wrote my own story "The Death of a Writer". In addition, I read the stories of Jasur Kengboev and Sherzod Artykov.
- What do you need to do to become a good writer?
- They say that becoming a writer is 99% hard work and 1% talent. Of course it's true. God-given talent must be developed through hard work. Laziness is the enemy of the writer. As long as there is no pain and suffering in the artist's heart, his works cannot reach the hearts of readers. The main achievement of the writer is the command of the language. If he himself translates his work into other languages, then the translation will be original. That's why I translate my work into English. Recently, my collection of short stories in English was published in America.
-Can you tell us about the history of writing your first story?
- My first story was called "Azan". I was then 17 years old. I wrote it while sitting on the roof and listening to the call to prayer.
- When creating a work of art, do you rely more on life events or is fantasy enough?
- Both are important. It is not enough to simply copy from life. Without texture, the image remains a mere statement. Only the artistic fabric itself can cut off a work of art from life. I always try to create images that combine artistic texture with real life events.
- Along with prose, you translated many works in the field of translation into Uzbek. In 2018, your translations took 1st place in the nomination "The Best Translation from Uzbek into English" by the literary agency "Amaranthus". What factors do you rely on when choosing a work for translation? What language do you like to translate from?
- Although I studied journalism, the teachers who taught us at our university were not alien to creativity. I entered the field of translation when I was still a student. In the translation process, I first read the books I'm interested in in the original version. I am looking for works that are interesting in the course of events and that can enrich and nourish a person's worldview. To date, my collection of translations has been published under the titles “The happiest person in the world”, “Wedding gift”, “Five things of life”. Each work has its own language and charm. It is important to keep this charm in the process of translation. Otherwise, the translation will differ from the original version. I must say that translation is a great school of experience for a writer. Because in the process of experience, the translator learns from the writer the secrets of the ability to use the word and artistic skill.
- Last year your book "Me, Dad and Alzheimer's Disease" was published. How did readers react to this book? Were there any criticisms?
Since the book's release, I've heard mostly positive feedback from readers. But this work does not mean that it is free from criticism. There are objections to stories written when I was much younger. I take them well.
- Why Alzheimer's? Is it related to your personal life?
- Alzheimer's disease is widespread throughout the world. It's not just memory loss, it's a serious condition that can eventually lead to death. This topic has not yet entered our literature, but is often found in world literature and films. After reading this story, I received letters from several people saying: "My grandfather or father had this disease, I cried when I read it, we did not know then." To be honest, I was very impressed. I am glad that my writings, however small, reach the hearts of readers.
- "The Witch or a Thousand-Year Life" revealed another side of your work. Tell us about the creation of the piece. What does writing a fantastic work require from the creator?
I have been interested in the fantasy genre since childhood. I love the work of Ray Bradbury, I follow him all the time. In order to write a fantastic work, the creator must have a wide imagination. Good to read and research a lot. I will never forget: I saw in a dream an incident when a story was being written, and I finished the work on that basis.
- Are you satisfied with the attitude of today's students to literature?
- Currently, the emphasis is on easy translation works, which are mostly read once. The sale of high-quality samples of Uzbek and world classical literature is slow. To do this, I think it is necessary to strengthen the popularization of such works.
- Today's Nodirabegim Ibragimova has completely found her place in life and literature?
- I'm trying...
- What are you afraid of in life?
- Inability to write.
- If you had to describe your past life in words, what genre would it be?
- The path from romanticism to realism ...
- Traditional question: Each region has its own literary and scientific environment. What can you say about the literary environment of Samarkand?
- First of all, thank you for inviting me to this project. The literary environment of Samarkand takes its place in the modern literary process, a literary environment in which a number of pillars of Uzbek literature have matured. My first stories were published in the Bekazhon newspaper published in Samarkand. It was a big success for a young girl who had just started her career. It is believed that this newspaper opened the way to literature for many artists, among them Umid Ali, Iroda Umarova, Kholiyor Safarov ... I first visited Samarkand when a creative trip was organized thanks to "Becajon". . My impressions were the same. Recognition by the editors of my first stories served as a motivation, and I entered the big field. Therefore, Samarkand today has a place in my achievements...
Interlocutor - Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
Information Service Officer