The acceleration of urbanization processes in large cities leads to the fact that natural resources, including water, are significantly affected, which, in turn, leads to negative changes in aquatic biogeocenoses. Not only that, these changes also affect biodiversity.

    It is noted that in recent years the population of the city of Samarkand has exceeded 1 million people, the accelerated processes of industry, production and urbanization negatively affect the ecological state of the channels flowing through the city. Of great scientific and practical importance is the determination of the actual ecological state, assessment and monitoring of the pollution level of such canals as Siyab, Karasu and Obi-Irtysh. This makes it possible to assess the ecological state of water by studying the algoflora of these channels, explaining their seasonal and ecological features.

    At present, the protection of water resources from various technogenic impacts, ensuring the sustainability of natural water bodies, especially the conservation of flora biodiversity in them, is of great importance in the world. Channels in large cities are of particular importance in the formation and distribution of algae in terrestrial water bodies; channels in large cities account for 46% of their diversity. In particular, one of the topical issues of today is a comprehensive study of algae in natural water bodies, the introduction into practice of the possibility of assessing and predicting the ecological and sanitary state and its future state.

    Canals in large cities of the world, where the influence of technogenic factors is currently strong, require determining the state of algal flora, algae, as well as assessing the degree of pollution of rivers with various substances. Canals in large cities, which are of great strategic importance in this place, are considered important due to the richness of their algoflora species, the presence of especially important ecological components in them. The implementation of this task will make it possible to perform such important tasks as studying the algal flora of the Siyabsky, Karasuv and Obi-Rahmat canals of the city of Samarkand, assessing the ecological state of water by analyzing indicator-saprobic species and determining the species composition of the algoflora of these canals. Algae play an important role in purifying the water of reservoirs and improving their ecological condition.


Gavkhar Umrzokova

Samarkand State University

Master of Biology Faculty