Today, the automotive industry in our country is one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy, and the Uzbek automotive industry includes many enterprises equipped with modern technologies. Currently, there are more than 75 enterprises in the automotive industry, which employ more than 225 thousand workers and employees.

    Currently, overalls for employees of the automotive industry are made mainly from imported pads. The main composition of this imported pad is polyester. Which in terms of operational, hygienic and technological characteristics does not fully meet the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan. The reason is that our climate is dry and hot. The current cotton work clothes have a very low fiber content and are virtually breathable. For clerks who work 8-10 hours a day, walking in uniform throughout the day has become a challenge in itself. To establish the production of special clothing pads and workwear sets in Uzbekistan, taking into account climatic features, we have created a new structural pad with a modified fibrous composition. That is, we added modal fibers instead of polyester to the composition of the lining, from which work clothes are made. When studying the physical and mechanical properties of the finished product, it was found that the hygienic indicators of the newly created gaseous substance, namely air permeability and hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb sweat produced by the human body), are higher. This suggests that this soda can be recommended for workwear for workers not only in the automotive industry, but also in other manufacturing enterprises in our country.


Samarkand State University

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