"Catalogue of Sogdian writing in Central Asia" (Catalogue of monuments of Sogdian writing in Central Asia. Catalog of Sogdian writing in Central Asia. - Samarkand: ICAI) together with the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (ICAI) within the framework of the UNESCO program "Written Literature". Monuments of the world. 2022. - 248 p.).

      The study describes more than 90 monuments of Sogdian writing found in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The catalog reflects the following characteristics of each monument:

      - In what condition and at what archaeological site was the Sogdian monument found;

      - Construction of the monument and its current state;

      - Where to store;

      - Transliteration of the inscription on the Sogdian written monument;

      - Translation of transliteration into Russian and English;

      - Commentary to the inscription in Russian and English;

      - Bibliography;

      - Illustration (image of the monument).

      Catalog of Sogdian written monuments Samarkand State University (Babir Goyibov), State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (Pavel Lurie), Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Alisher Begmatov), Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (Mirsodik Iskhakov), Russian Material of the Academy of Sciences Prepared in collaboration with scientists of the Institute of Culture (Valentina Raspopova) and the National Archaeological Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Gaibulla Boboerov).

      The catalog was prepared within the framework of the UNESCO project "Written Monuments of the World".

Samarkand State University

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