The university stage of the scientific and educational competition “Expert in Reforms” was held at Samarkand State University...

Based on the results of this competition:
- Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan Farhod Nabiyev in the nomination “The most active promoter of the national idea and spirituality”;
- Department of Literature of the Period of Independence and Theory of Literature of the Faculty of Philology in the nomination “Best Department for Spiritual and Educational Work”;
- teacher of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Political Sciences Adham Khodzhamkulov in the “Best Teacher” nomination;
- Mashkhura Tagirova, Chairman of the Council for Women’s Affairs of the Institute of Biochemistry in the nomination “Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Most Active Women”;
- Makhmudzhon Abdulloev, 4th year student of the Faculty of History in the nomination “The most active propagandist of reforms.”
Information service of
Samarkand State University.