Department of Human Resource Management of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Human Resource Management of
Samarkand State University
Arabov Nurali Uralovich
+99899 2112575
Nurali Arabov, doctor of economic sciences, professor. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 1998. Since 2020 he has been working as the head of the Department of Human Resource Management at Samarkand State University. In 2018 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis in economics on "Improving the efficiency of infrastructure development of the labor market in the Republic of Uzbekistan" in the specialty "Demography. Labor Economics" - 08.00.10. Published about 70 articles in national scientific journals, more than 50 articles and abstracts at international and national scientific conferences. He is also the author of 5 textbooks, 9 manuals and 7 monographs. Conducts researches on the theme "Labor market, employment of population and ways of increasing of efficiency of work at the enterprises of sphere of services". He is a member of the editorial board of scientific journals "Human Capital and Social Development", "Scientific Bulletin of the University", "Problems of", "Science and Innovative Development".
Published 4 articles in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science. /
Staff of the Department of Human Resource Management
Bozorov Berdimurod Ulugmurodovich Associate Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management. Since 1980, he has been working at Samarkand State University. |
Ulugmurodova Nodira Berdimurodovna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. In 2011 she defended her dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of economics of population and labor - 08.00.10. Since 2011 she has been working at Samarkand State University. From 2020 works as PhD Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resources Management. To date she has published more than 100 scientific works. The author of 2 textbooks, 1 monograph, 4 manuals. Published more than 60 articles in foreign scientific journals and more than 40 in other scientific publications. |
Boltaev Burkhon Sadinovich Since 2011 he has been working at Samarkand State University. Since 2020 - assistant of the Department of Human Resource Management. The main scientific direction is management of human capital development mechanisms in the conditions of digital economy. Burkhan Boltaev is the author of 1 textbook and 2 textbooks during his career. He has published more than 25 articles in international and domestic scientific editions. Participated in international and republican scientific-practical conferences, having defended more than 20 theses. 1 article was published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science. Electronic addresses of scientific articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases: /
Kurbonov Sirojiddin Kurbonovich Since 2011 has been working at Samarkand State University. Since 2020 he has been an assistant of the Department of Human Resource Management. During his career, Sirojiddin Kurbonov has published more than 40 articles in international and national scientific journals. He participated in foreign and domestic scientific and practical conferences with more than 15 abstracts. |
Tukhliyev Bakhtiyоr Makhmaziyayevich Bakhtiyor Tukhliyev has worked at the Department of Human Resource Management at Samarkand State University since 2021. He is the author of about 30 scientific works. He has published 4 articles in prestigious foreign scientific journals. More than 20 works have been published in other scientific journals. |
Hamidova Aziza Abdufattoevna Since 2020 she has been working at the Department of Human Resource Management at Samarkand State University. In 2022 she successfully defended her PhD thesis on economics on the topic "Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the market of educational services (on the example of higher education institutions)". During her career Aziza Khamidova published 1 textbook, 1 monograph and 1 textbook. She is also the author of about 30 theses and articles. Electronic addresses of scientific articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases: |
Sultonov Sanjar Jakhongirovich Assistant of the Department. Since 2021 works at the Department of Human Resource Management at Samarkand State University. He conducts scientific research on "Effective use of human resources in the enterprises of the sphere of services". Sanjar Sultonov has published about 5 articles in national scientific journals during his career. Participated in foreign and local conferences with more than 6 abstracts. |
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About the Department of Human Resource Management The Department of Human Resource Management at Samarkand State University began its activities as an independent department in 1997. The activities of the department were headed by Professor N.B. Bozorov, Associate Professors B.M. Bobokulov, B.U. Bozorov, D.H. Aslanova, H.K. Kasimov, and Arabov. Today the chair is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N.U. Arabov. Professors and teachers of the department provide training in the bachelor's degree in "Economics (by type and branch)," "Human Resources Management", "Human Resource Management" and the master's degree in "Demography. Labor Economics" and "Human Resources Management", train doctoral students in "Demography. Labor Economics." |
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Today, the department has 11 professors and teachers, including Dr. of Economics Prof. N.U. Arabov, associate professors: B.U. Bozorov, T. Bakaev, Sh.D. Dzhurakulov, S.B. Abdujabborov, N.B. Ulugmurodova, A.A. Khamidova, assistants B.S. Boltaev, S.K. Kurbanov, B.M. Tukhliev, S.J. Sultanov. During the next 5 years 1 doctor of sciences from among staff of department successfully defended PhD dissertation in 4 economic sciences and got academic degree. At the department are trained more than 130 masters, first in "Population and labor economics" and then in "Labor economics", who work in different fields and sectors of the economy. |
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Professor-teachers of the chair have published 4 textbooks (Human Development, Economics of Social Sphere, Innovative Personnel Management, Labour Market Infrastructure), 8 manuals (Social Economy, Organization of wages abroad, Social Policy and social protection, Lifestyle and income, Personnel Motivation, Business and Employment Technologies Basics 1st ed., Business and Employment Technologies Basics 2nd ed., Labour Market Infrastructure), 10 monographs and more than 15 manuals and methodical instructions. Special attention in the department is paid to work with talented students. For this purpose the "Master-Student" system is well organized in the department. There is a scientific circle "Young Entrepreneur" at the department. |
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Educational disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's Degree
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Master's Degree
Photos from the department's activities