Honorary Scientist of Samarkand State University – Gulzhakhon Akhmedova has been teaching students the complexities of physics for 60 years

Gulzhakhon Akhmedova, Associate Professor of the Department of Particles Physics and Astronomy of Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov, is an honorary scientist of the university. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences with a degree in particles physics. For 60 years she has been teaching students such disciplines as “particles physics”, “molecular physics”. The scientific activity of a scientist is important for obtaining high-precision scientific results in the field of the theory of particles physics. She is the author of more than 10 textbooks and manuals and about 200 articles in this area. The textbook "Molecular Physics", created by Gulzhakhon Akhmedova, won a victory in the competition of textbooks on republic level and was popularized for use in particles physics lessons in all higher educational institutions of the republic. The results of the research that the scientist conducted as a result of many years of studying the foundations of molecular and particles physics are still recognized among physicists.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
News office.
Photos by Shavkat Akramov.