Shopolat village, Taylak district, Samarkand region. House of Khurshiddin Safarov and Nilufar Mavlonova. Today Sharofiddin Amriddinov, world champion, Asian and Uzbekistan champion, lives in this house.

    Sharofiddin Amriddinov won the Youth World Weightlifting Championship in Greece.

    Sharofiddin was interested in sports since childhood, and if all children spent time watching cartoons, he would prefer sports competitions. His mother, Nilufar Mavlonova, said that her son sometimes practiced these sports at home, and, of course, the mother was worried and tried to dissuade him. If you say that there is something unusual in his life, you are mistaken. Like his peers, he herded sheep and helped his father with gardening. But something inside him continued to drive him into the sport.

    In 2015 Sharofiddin's dream came true. He was only 13 years old when his father took him to Taylak Olympic Reserve College.

    Tireless work and efforts, striving for the goal set before him motivates Sharofiddin to move forward. At the age of 15, he won the championship of Uzbekistan, and at the age of 17, at the Asian championship, he won his first ticket to the world championship.

    “The Greek Championship has become the most memorable for me,” said Sharofiddin Amriddinov. - It was my first performance at the World Championships. I won the championship twice that day. Firstly, this is my success at the tournament, and secondly, our rector Rustam Holmurodov personally sent a letter of thanks to my parents. When I was in Greece, the attention I received from my family made me feel even better and I shed a tear.

    In general, the tournament went well. More than 300 athletes from more than 70 countries of the world took part in the competition. Fortunately, there were 6 of us from Uzbekistan, five of us took pride of place and took 3rd place in the team event. Speaking about myself, I had a back injury after the first show. My coach was worried. But then I started thinking about my family and friends. We decided to fight to the end. The last minutes were very exciting. My closest rival, Petros Petrosyan from Armenia, wrestled with me and suddenly gained 10 kilos. Of course, this made us think a little, but it didn't scare us. We also managed to express our position and take the honorable first place.

    - Not only strength is important in us, but also tact, good attitude and attitude. Until I have time, we will receive information from our brothers, Olympic champion Ruslan Nuriddinov, world champion Akbar Juraev on improving these factors.

    My parents are my most supportive people. I am proud of my father and mother. The trust they give me always motivates me to move forward. At this stage, I would recommend that my peers and younger brothers play sports. Maybe you are not a champion, but some brother or nephew, seeing you, will definitely come to this area. You will see, he will also become a champion.

    Currently, Sharofiddin is preparing for the Asian Youth Championship, which will be held in Tashkent. After that, our hero is waiting for the Islamic Solidarity     Games in the Turkish city of Kunya. Of course, we want Sharofiddin to become a winner at these competitions and return with gold medals.

Otabek Sadullayev,

Samarkand State University

News office staff.