Conflict between Iran and the United States: yesterday and today

Nurkhon Siddikova, masters of the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University, is conducting a scientific study on the topic: “Conflict between Iran and the United States: yesterday and today.” A number of researcher’s articles on this topic have been published in publications on state and international levels.
- Tensions between the United States of America and Iran have been going on for more than 65 years, tells Nurhon Siddikova. - Of course, such regional and international problems appear often in all regions. Both countries today have their place on international and regional levels. US relations with Iran are quasi-stationary. Of interest are the mechanisms of strengthening US influence on Iran. In recent years, the position of European states on the solution of the Iranian problem began to have a significant impact on the United States. Thanks to this, today the situation around Iran can be characterized as a state of political equilibrium. The situation in Central Asia is a new subjective factor forcing the United States to retreat from the Iranian crisis to a certain extent. The United States and its allies, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, oppose Iran and its nuclear and missile programs.
The topic of relations between the US and Iran is one of the most relevant and, if it can be interpreted in such manner, modern problems of today, which can make a special contribution to shaping the new international circumstances. The reason why the two countries can put an end to hostilities and resume cooperation is to bring peace to the Middle East, as well as regions adjacent to the region, such as Central Asia and the Caucasus. At the same time, trade and economic ties in the region and adjacent territories will be even more lively, and the amount of funds allocated for armaments will be significantly reduced. It will also be a worthy contribution to improving the situation in the entire region and internationally as a whole. As a result of exhaustion of the above contradictions, the relations of neighboring countries can also change from hostile to partner, and stable foundations of peace can be formed.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
News office staff.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.