Parents for a child are like the sea, a treasure, a rare pearl. Therefore, they are dear, sacred and respected for children. It is they who bring a child into the world and from that day on bring him to adulthood. How many sleepless nights and deprivations during this period are considered free services for parents. These are the ones who endure all kinds of suffering for the sake of their children. Most importantly, they do not receive anything in return for these services, they consider this service a duty.

    Parental rights are great. There are many wise words about this in moral books. Our holy book, the Holy Quran, says: “Our Lord has made it inevitable, respect your parents and do good. While you are alive, do not offend any of them, do not do bad deeds, do not speak rudely. Honor them."

    After all, parents are dear to their children and love them with all their hearts. When a thorn hits their children's feet, their whole body trembles. The great scholar, poet and writer Maulana Fahriddin Ali Safi, in his book Latoif-ut-Tawaif, tells the story: “They say that the father and son went to the ruler because they were punished. First, the father was given a hundred lashes, he never said "oh" at least once. Then, having put his son to bed and whipping him once, the father began to cry.

    The governor said: “You received a hundred lashes and did not complain. What is this moaning and crying that your son received one blow?

    The father replied: “These whips touched my body, I could bear it, but this one touches my soul, how can I bear it?”

    There are many such examples. Relations between parents and children, built on the basis of such love, form the qualities of nobility and humanity. Hakim Abulkasim Firdowsi said:

    - Every child should be able to fulfill his filial duty. Then it is inevitable that it will be shaped by human qualities and the spirit of humanity. Humanitarianism is determined by the glorification of a person, awareness of his value, understanding of national customs and values.

    There is no need to prove that a person's maturity depends on the upbringing he received in childhood and in the family. The saying “A bird does what it sees in its nest” did not appear in vain. All human qualities inherent in a person develop first in the family, and then in society. The family is considered a difficult school of life, and our parents prepare their sons and daughters for the future life in this school.


Kibriyo Khasanova,

Head of the Department of Interfaculty Pedagogy, Professor

Samarkand State University.