Doctoral student of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University Begali Alikulov conducts a scientific study on the topic "Extremophilic bacteria of some halophytes of South-Western Uzbekistan and their biotechnological potential." These scientific studies are aimed at evaluating the potential of endophytic bacteria in halophytic plants to increase the efficiency of growing crops in saline conditions. Scientific consultant - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Zafar Ismoilov.

    - As a result of studies carried out abroad and in our country today, rhizoids and endobacteria have been isolated from various plants, - says Begali Alikulov. - Their morphological-cultural, physiological-biochemical properties were studied, optimal conditions for growing active strains were selected. Microbial preparations based on the activity of rhizomes and endobacteria in regions prone to salinity and coastal stress have been created and put into practice. The improvement of the growth of some agricultural crops is substantiated.

    However, despite the fact that the sharp climate variability in Uzbekistan, including in its southwestern regions, the large-scale impact of stress factors probably increased the diversity of communities of extremophilic endophytes in the halophytes of the flora of these regions, there is information in scientific sources about the diversity of extremophilic endophytes. bacteria in halophyte plants, their microbiological description, biochemical and other effective properties, as well as prospective development, information on the possibility of using microbial preparations as a source is rarely found in practice. This circumstance indicates that deep fundamental research in this direction has not been carried out. Therefore, the isolation, identification and evaluation of their biotechnological potential as a promising source of stimulating the growth of agricultural crops in saline areas - extremophilic endophytic bacteria of some halophytes - are not only of fundamental, but also of great scientific and practical importance.

    Based on the foregoing, in the course of our study, we isolated extremophilic endophytic bacteria from the roots and stems of some halophytic plants common in the southwestern regions of Uzbekistan, including sarsazan, black saxaul and karabaroka, and identified them using modern molecular genetic methods. In the course of research in laboratory and vegetative experiments, the properties of promising strains of endophytic bacteria that stimulate the growth of crops such as cotton, wheat and cucumbers were studied. To date, experiments are underway to create a technology for obtaining a microbial preparation that increases plant resistance to salt stress based on selected promising strains of endophytic bacteria, to conduct production tests and evaluate the economic efficiency of a new microbial preparation.

    As a result of these studies, Alikulov published about 15 scientific articles, including 3 articles in prestigious foreign journals based on Scopus, more than 20 theses in the proceedings of international and republican conferences.

    The introduction into practice of the results of this research work, conducted by a doctoral student, will increase the resistance of crops to salinity and increase the efficiency of growing crops in saline conditions.

Samarkand State University

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